Christmas Eve has been absolutely exhausting 

I've got a larger Christmas entry coming soon, so I'll save most of the Christmas related stuff for that. 😀  For now I wanted to talk about how everyone seems to be doing as the holiday excited sort of envelops us in all its overstimulating glory. The short version of the story is that its been a very, very, very long day.  I picked the boys up from my parent's house around noon today. It was quite apparent that they were extremely anxious about Christmas. Frankly, any kid would have a higher level excitement as Christmas day approaches. With my kids however, regulation is something that doesn't come easy for them. They wear their excitement and anxiety on their sleeve for the whole world to experience with them.  😁  Gavin…



I wanted to take a few minutes and bring you all up to speed on Gavin's current status. Lizze and I have been seeing some things that while concerning, aren't really super surprising.  Behaviorally, Gavin is continuing to do well. Unfortunately, there's more to Gavin's situation than behavioral concerns.  I remember a time in the not so distant past where his behavioral issues were so serious, we had to actively seek out residential treatment. That's no longer even visible in our rearview mirror.  The issues of concern right now are are physical and emotional health.  Gavin's physical health seems to be sorta stable right now but we're waiting to get his lab results before letting our guard down.  Over the last few weeks, we've been witness to relatively significant cognitive…


It’s heartbreaking when someone you love is massively depressed

The boys have been at my parents tonight and Lizze and I have been taking advantage of the time to finish some Christmas things up, as well as physically regroup.  It's been a long week and I'm grateful to see it come to a close. We've had a stressful week because Lizze isn't doing so well right now.  Lizze began taking Lithium a few days ago (as she's discussed on her blog) and while it's too early to really expect any major changes, from my perspective, it seems to helping.  This is a really tough situation because it doesn't really matter what I think. What matters is how she's feeling and she's not feeling better, at least not yet. Like I said, it's still too early.  The doctor said that after…


Come hell or high water 

Lizze and I have the night to ourselves, thanks to my parents. While we need the break, especially considering Lizze current state of being.   This will give Lizze and I a chance to finish our Christmas preparations.  Come hell or high water, we will not be up all night on Christmas Eve. ☺️


I have a sick kiddo tonight

Poor Elliott is unable to sleep tonight and after he tried for almost five hours, we moved to the living room. He's complaining of a stomachache and he couldn't get comfortable, so he's chilling on the love seat in the front room.  I'm so tired but can't fall asleep until Elliott does... 😢


My wife is not doing well and could use your thoughts and prayers

If you've been following Lizze's blog, you know that she's going through a very difficult time. She's living with bipolar type 2 and is on a mission to share her story, in order to help others gain insight into this very challenging human condition.  People with bipolar type 2 have depression as their default state of being. When the pendulum swings to the right and they enter a manic phase, they tend to be more productive, creative and efficient in their daily lives. Mania is very mild.  When the pendulum swings to the left, they hit a massive, massive depression.  Lizze has entered into a major depressive episode over the last few days and she's really struggling with life.  Continued on next page - - - - - - > As…


Great News

I've spent the last day and a half scrubbing the database and rebuilding the core of this site from scratch in an effort to figure out what's been going on with the commenting. There were also a few other backend issues I had to track down and deal with as well.  I'm really sorry about the mess around here since last night but the downtime was worth it because everything is fixed.   Part of the issue resided in the comment meta data within the commenting database.  It took forever to clean everything up and put it all back together but it's working now.  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to recover a few comments from the last couple of days. I was searching through over 2,000 from the last year and…


The must see videos from this year’s Christmas program

I know it's a little late but here are the skits both Elliott and Emmett did with their respective classmates for the Christmas program this year.  This happened yesterday and I'm hoping you all enjoy it as much as I did.    The first video is Elliott and his class. Elliott is being really silly cause he was just in that kind of mood. The second video is Emmett and his classroom. Emmett is on the far right, making the elf puppet do some amazing things.. ☺