Clothes shopping for my kids is very overwhelming for this single Dad

Being a single Mom or Dad is a tremendous amount of responsibility. Being a single parent to special needs children is even more responsibility. I'm learning to navigate those challenges as we speak. Both Elliott and Emmett have outgrown their winter coats. I mentioned that I had looked over the weekend because I knew we had cold weather coming in. As I'm not independently wealthy, I had planned on replacing them one at a time, starting with Emmett because he needed it the most. Next I planned on replacing Elliott's and then Gavin's. Gavin's jacket is relatively new and he hasn't grown in awhile. He's actually in pretty good shape but I feel like his sleeves are too short and want to replace his as well. It's just not urgent.…


I’ve been a single Dad to my 3 #Autistic kids for exactly 3 months now and here’s the truth

It's been three months since I became a single Dad again and I'm still trying to find my footing. It's not easy to grieve, while being a full time Dad and caregiver to three amazing kids with special needs. This time around, I think I'm adjusting a bit quicker than I did before. Adjusting doesn't mean I'm happy or I'm okay with any of this. It simply means that I'm adapting to the change, nothing more and nothing less. I'm doing okay. I have my moments where I would give anything to change this and moments where I recognize that it's for the best. I also spend a lot of time in between those places as well. Being a single Dad and raising three amazing but challenging kids alone is…


I know some won’t agree with my approach and frankly, I don’t f*cking care

Man, I didn't sleep well last night. Emmett ended up in my room pretty early on. He tried for hours to fall asleep in his bed but couldn't. As soon as his head hit the pillow, after returning to my room, ahe was out like a light. He's really struggling with feeling safe and there's a fine line between enabling that fear and helping him to work through it. I don't feel comfortable banning him from my room at night. He's been traumatized twice now and is terrified that I'm going to leave him too. How do I turn him away and force him to sleep in fear? At the same time, this obviously can't go on forever and I personally need him back in his own bed at night.…

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It’s a start

I knew going into my first night sleeping alone, that it would likely be short-lived. I was right. I fell asleep around midnight and Emmett was still in his own bed. When I say I was alone in my bed, Ruby was there. She likes to sleep under the blanket, right up against my back. She's so tiny that you wouldn't know she was there if you didn't know she was there. About 3 AM, Emmett woke up and came running into my room. He made it longer than I thought he would do and while he didn't make it through the night, progress is progress. We're going to keep trying and someday, we'll make it through the night.


I’m finally sleeping alone tonight

I've been feeling a significant amount of anxiety today and it came to a head after dinner. The kids have been at each other's throats all day and Gavin will not stop talking about whatever floats into his brain. It's a lot to deal with on top of everything else. I'm pretty sure that I'm experiencing little panic attacks. I feel heart palpations and I have to really work to calm myself. Unfortunately, there's no escape from the stress and nowhere to hide. That being said, I decided that I need my bedroom to be my sanctuary. I need it to be a safe place for me to escape to when I need a time out. That means that I need to get Emmett to transition back to his own…

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Finding the positives can be difficult when hearts don’t break even

I started a conversation on Twitter tonight because I needed some advice. I explained that I'm struggling a bit to find my footing as a newly single Dad. There's a lot of mix emotions and that makes gaining traction a bit harder for me. There are times when the positives as apparent and times where they are drowned out by pain, sadness and heartache. It's these times that I need help with. I simply asked my followers to help me come up with some positive things about being single. I'm struggling a bit trying to find my footing as a newly single Dad. I thought I would come up with a list of positive things about being single but I'm struggling with that. Can you help me come up with…

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Why I gave up trick or treating with my kids this year for the first time ever

I realized something today but before I get into it, there's some background that you need to understand first. Ever since the day my kids were born, I've been a very, very hands on Dad. I'm with them every single day. I'm there when they go to bed and when they wake up (barring overnight trips to Grandparents). I take them to every single appointment they have and those appointments are many. I take them to and pick them up from school every day. While it's a great deal of work, I wouldn't have it any other way. One of the other things I've done every single year was take my kids trick or treating. There were years where the weather interfered or we were sick but outside of those…

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I’m heartbroken that he thought this

Emmett has been sleeping in my room since his mom left. He's afraid that if he's not right there, he could wake up and I'll be gone as well. There's no way to really navigate this in the short-term and it's going to take time and patience for him to heal. That's said, he informed me last week that he wanted to be back in his own bed this week. Originally, his goal was the end of the year and we're working in therapy to help him through this. Anyway, this past weekend rolls around and he begins having tummy aches again. I figured it was anxiety related but wasn't sure about the specifics. Turns out that he was okay moving his clothes back into his and Elliott's bedroom but…