Today just keeps on giving

It's been another long night, and I'm just now getting around to writing anything. Mr. Emmett is all sorts of miserable because of his current fever flare, resulting in painful mouth sores, and is not very pleasant to be around at the moment. I can't really blame him. He's in a shitload of pain. This will be day two of the increased dose of his anti-virals, and we're hoping this helps to provide him with relief as soon as possible. Lizze's had a doctors appointment this morning, and as a result, I was not able to go walking until after lunch. Gavin's been keeping to himself for most of the day, and the times I have seen him, he's barking orders for things he wants me to get the next…


My 19-year-old #Autistic son totally impressed me

When Gavin was younger, he was admitted to the psych unit at Akron Children's Hospital more times than I can remember. It was always a last resort but a necessary action when things got really bad, and he needed acute stabilization. Anyway, Gavin's doing so much better now, but he's beginning to struggle once again. Most of this struggle revolves around him, managing his frustration. It's not easy for him because he's very easily frustrated and often has unrealistic expectations of himself. The other day, Gavin came downstairs and wanted to show me something. He'd been straightening up his room and came across one of his old folders from a psych stay at Akron Children's. Inside it, he found some of the work he'd done while he was there. In…

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There’s no chance of that happening today

I didn't sleep very well last night. I'm really feeling stressed out, and I woke up almost every hour throughout the night. My brain was just churning out endless amounts of worry, and it kept waking me up. I was able to get the boys off to school on time and then go for my walk. Ruby, of course, went along with me. When I got home, I was able to work on a little writing before having to take Lizze to an appointment before lunch. Halfway to her doctor's office, the school called, and Emmett needed to be picked up. He apparently has a very bad mouth sore and was unable to make it through the day. He almost never comes home for these anymore and the fact that…


What happened at the @ClevelandClinic last week?

I just realized I neglected to mention how Lizze's appointment with the Neurological Center for Pain at the Cleveland Clinic went. For starters, the staff was absolutely amazing. Not that it's a surprise, but it really is important to note that because we've had some truly awful experiences with other medical facilities in the past. The Cleveland Clinic, however, never disappoints. Anyway, as I had previously mentioned, Lizze needed to decide how to proceed with her migraine medication called Aimovig. Aimovig is a once a month autoinjector that is designed to help prevent migraines by blocking a protein thought to trigger migraines. Lizze has been on the lowest dose for about four months now (I believe) and she hasn't really noticed any improvement. If she didn't have use of her…


It’s difficult to focus on anything when there are so many things that need my focus

I've said this before, but it warrants repeating. Being an Autism and Special Needs parent is not easy. I can't honestly see how anyone could claim otherwise. Maybe they're stronger than me or a better human than me. Either way, my life is an endless string of challenges, and while I do my best, I almost always fall short. It's always a struggle. I was talking with someone the other day about some of the current challenges I'm facing, and it was hard to put things into perspective for them. That's not their fault and understanding something you've not personally been through is hard for anyone. The reality is, it's very difficult to explain the complexity of the Autism and Special Needs parenting struggle to someone who isn't an Autism…

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It’s been a heartbreaking morning for me

It's been a rough day already, and it's not even halfway over yet. I've been sharing on Twitter about the baby bird I recused on a busy road the other day. It's all on my timeline if you're interested in the pictures and backstory. Long story short, it died last night, and the boys are devastated, especially Elliott. That sort of set the tone for the morning going forward. Shortly after I woke up, I got a call from my Grandma. She was confused, scared, and didn't know where she was. I called my Dad, and we both met at her nursing home so we could help her remember some of the things she'd forgotten. It's really rough seeing her like this and I know it's tearing my Dad apart.…

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Is this the whitest building ever?

We've made it to the illustrious Neurological Center for Pain at the always amazing Cleveland Clinic. If you ever visit here, you find yourself in the whitest building ever. Literally, everything is white. The walls, ceiling, floors, doors, cabinets, etc. It makes everything very bright. There's a specific reason for this, and it's related to their IMATCH program. I will say that it's a bit overwhelming for me, and I don't suffer from anything that could be triggered by this. Anyway, we're currently tucked away in our usual room and waiting to be seen. Her nurse today was awesome, and we really appreciate how much fun she was to work with. I don't think we've ever had a negative experience at he Cleveland Clinic. The doctor should be in shortly…

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My wife has a difficult decision to make today

The boys got off to school in a good mood. I've got to say that was a significant accomplishment, and I definitely needed my walk this morning because I was frazzled. I will be spending the afternoon at the Cleveland Clinic with my amazing wife. She has a follow-up with her neurologist at the Neurological Center for Pain. This is in regards to her chronic migraines. Today we will decide what to do with her new migraine medication, Aimovig. She's been on it for several months now, and it doesn't seem to be doing anything. The standard approach to this is to double the dose if it's not working after a few months. Lizze is concerned that she's muddied the water because of her medical marijuana usage. I disagree because…

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