I’m worried our dog might have cancer

Our dog Maggie goes in to see the vet in about 30 minutes because she's got a growth on her leg. This thing on her leg is getting larger and it feels like a rock under her skin.  I know the rule of thumb is that if it's soft and squishy it's likely okay.  What she has on her leg is most definitely not soft or squishy. She does have one on her chest as well and that's more soft and squishy.  I want to do this without the boys because worrying about something like this is the last thing they need to carry around with them.  Please keep Maggie in your thoughts as I will get some idea of what we're possibly dealing with in the next hour or…


It’s one of those mornings where I’m totally dragging but here’s what I’m doing about it 

It's the end of yet another week and I'm ready for it to be over.   The boys went off to school relatively easily and I'll be getting my walk in this morning, although I don't even come close to feeling up to it.  I didn't sleep well last night and so I'm really dragging this morning.  My goal is to really push through the next 3.1 miles and gain some much needed energy to finish the rest of the day with. 😀   


Being an #Autism parent is very rewarding but it’s also kicking my ass lately

The boys went to bed tonight without a problem. I'm going to be visiting my bed in just a little bit but I'm not quite ready yet.  While I was putting him to bed tonight, Emmett said he doesn't want to go to school in the morning. I'm truly praying that we aren't already going down the I don't want to go to school today because my tummy hurts road already..    It's so hard to figure out what's going on with him because it's not easy for him to share how's he's feeling and if I ask him, he gets really upset. Absolutely nothing comes easy and I'm just trying to get my kids through the day, so we can end up doing it all over again the next. …


#Autism Parenting Woes: My mission to get the boys haircut failed miserably

Both Elliott and Emmett need to get their hair cut. I can trim them up a bit because it's not too bad but they definitely need a haircut.  Generally speaking, I've always had pretty good luck when it comes to getting their cooperation for things like this but the key is that they have to be willing participants.     Everything about a haircut is unpleasant for a child with Autism and sensory issues.  Their hair gets wet, they're being touched by strangers, the scissors are scary and they have to sit still. Let's not forget all the hair that falls into their face as its being cut.  It's truly a sensory nightmare. Truthfully, I don't always have the $32 to get their hair cut but when I do, I try…


Gavin and I just rescued two beautiful baby squirrels :)

I was walking out the door to get the boys from school and I noticed a very young baby squirrel crawling around in my front garden.  It's eyes were still closed and I soon noticed another tiny baby as well.  They were not going to survive because they were barely able to walk and one was still blind, not to mention they fell about 50 ft from their nest.  Gavin and I scooped them up and ran them to the Wildlife Center in my area before picking up the boys from school.  These things were adorable and I couldn't let them die and I definitely couldn't let Elliott see them because he would want to rescue them by raising them himself.  Not gonna happen.  They will be fine now and…


I was able to squeeze my walk in this morning 

The boys got off to school and I was able to squeeze in my walk this morning..     The walk was amazing but it totally wore me out because I was already at a deficit due to Emmett getting up so early. I ended up taking a nap afterwards and woke up feeling completely recharged. 😀 I need to really keep pushing myself to be as active as I can because I can sorta feel that my depression is creeping it's way back into my daily life and exercise is the only that has every truly helped me battle it.  That simply can't be allowed to take over and I don't plan on letting that happen. 


We had a rough start this morning but finished strong 

Emmett began refusing to go to school at the ungodly hour of 4am. He said he wasn't feeling good.     Here's the thing with Emmett. He struggles with expressive language still and that makes it more challenging to figure out what he has going on. I have to rely heavily on behavioral changes that I notice for information on how he's doing.  This probably goes without saying but we got off to a rough start this morning.  On the positive side, he ended up willingly going to school and even did so in a good mood. I truly hope that he continues to have a better day. ❤️😀👍


Here’s what happened at the boys immunologist appointment yesterday

I was so distracted by the events of yesterday that I failed to share how the actual appointment went for both Elliott and Gavin.  The good news is that both boys are doing really well.  Elliott was there for a food allergy and asthma follow up. His asthma is very much under control and he did quite well in his peak flow testing. There's not really much to be done with his food allergy because we avoid almonds all together and so there really isn't any point in blood work.     Elliott was so anxious that our Doctor simply said that when he's ready to find out if he's still allergic to almonds, we can do blood work. Until that time, we just stay the course.  She's very good with the…