How date night makes my wife and I better parents

With the boys being gone and Lizze feeling better, we're going to make it a date night tonight. We never really go anywhere but that doesn't mean we can't have a nice relaxing evening, with some pizza and Netflix.  It's so important that as parents, we take care of ourselves first, our partner/spouse second and the focus on the kids.   That may seem counter intuitive but it really isn't.  We have to take care of ourselves before we can take care of anyone else. When you are married or in a relationship, you can be better parents when you take the time to strengthen your relationship.  Our date night are simple but meaningful to us.   I'd love to hear about what you do to take care of yourself... 


The Lighter Side of #Autism 

Most of is know that Autism parenting can bring with it many, many challenges. It's exhausting and frustrating as well.  That being said, there are also moments of peace and tranquility, where everyone is getting along.  I can sit back and relax for a minute because in these moments, everyone is happy and at peace. I refer to this as the lighter side of Autism.   


Here’s a general update for today

The boys are off today for some weird reason, making it a three day weekend.  Gavin will be getting blood drawn for two reasons today. The first is for his Clozapine. They're looking at his white blood cell count. The second is related to his immunoglobulins. This is looking at his specific levels to find out if we need to adjust his IVIG dosage.  After the bloodwork, we need to hit the post office and grocery store.  We're pretty much out of everything the boys will eat and its been a tough last couple of days. Thankfully, I can go shopping today and hopefully stay within a modest budget, while getting the things the boys will actually eat.  I'm really tired but I'm also feeling like I'm in a good place…