I can’t keep going without sleep

I've been having the worst time sleeping lately. This past week I haven't had more than 3 hours of sleep a night, if I'm lucky. I'm grateful for even getting that much but it's not enough. Even melatonin isn't helping and that's about as hardcore as I can personally get because I need to be able to hear, respond to and assist my kids in the middle of the night. Stress is a major factor here and while I can't necessarily do a whole lot about that, there are things I can do. I'm aware that I haven't been drinking much water or at least not drinking enough water. That can have a profound impact on sleep quality. Depression is also playing a role in this as well. One of…

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Emmett’s birthday was a success

I feel like we had a pretty good day. Emmett's birthday, while not what I would have liked for him, made him happy and that's what matters. Lizze and her made a carrot cake for him and dropped it off. That was cool way for them to be a part of this important day. We ordered Quaker Steak for dinner and watched whatever Emmett wanted to watch. He still hasn't decided in a present but that's okay. No rush and no pressure. My goal was to get a new podcast episode released but I still had an ad that I needed to record and these goddam fireworks have been constant all day. Hopefully, I can knock that out in the am and drop the first episode of the second half…


We had some #vaccine related hiccups

I wanted to explain the hiccup with school that we ran into. I mentioned this in a recent post and never circled back to explain. I figured I start the day off with some writing and this is a good place to start. The issue we ran into is with vaccines for both Elliott and Emmett. Vaccines are extremely important and for the most part, we've maintained their vaccine schedules. There were, however, a couple of exceptions. Emmett's issues stemmed from his fever disorder. After consultation with his pediatrician at the time, it was decided to put off his MMR because he was constantly running a fever. We were trying to figure out his health issues and no one wanted to muddy the water. He eventually received his first MMR…


This is going to be a rough birthday for my youngest

June 26th is Emmett's birthday. It's probably going to be a little rough for him, considering all that's going on in his life. As it stands, there isn't much planned aside from his special dinner. Emmett has become allergic or at least very sensitive to dairy products again and so a cake is a bit difficult at this point. He was getting really stressed out because he couldn't decide what he wanted for his birthday. I finally told him not to worry about it because there's no rule that he has to open a present on his birthday. He can take his time and when he's ready, we can get it. This will be his first birthday since Lizze left last year and that's not going unnoticed by him. He's…


I had a kickass day for the first time in forever

I had a pretty awesome day. I've been back recording for about 2 weeks now and I'm feeling good about it. My interview today has had a profound impact on me. I've received a much needed shift in perspective and I'm so thankful for that. I can't wait for you guys to hear it, probably second half of July. The kids did really well today. My interview wemt over my usual 60 minutes and extended into the realm of 90 minutes. Emmett waited a full 15 minutes before interrupting things to inform me that I was taking longer than I had prepared them for. Yes, it's annoying but typically he doesn't make the whole hour before needing me. I'm really proud of him being so patient. I honestly feel pretty…


How Do Service Dogs Assist With #Autism?

Service animals are fantastic for helping people with disabilities go about their daily routines. Someone who is blind may greatly benefit from a seeing-eye dog that helps them navigate city streets. Alternatively, service dogs can also be used to assist young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Children with autism vary in how much they are affected, but a service dog can be effective in just about any situation. A service dog serves as a medium between a child with ASD and the outside world. Through interacting, spending time together, and navigating life side-by-side, a service dog to support autism can make life much better for a child and their family. If your child has ASD, then you may wonder how a service dog can help. We’ll go over this…


Tips for Parents of Children With #Autism

If you are the parent of a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), then you understand how different life is and just how difficult it can be at times. You surely love your kid to pieces, but things aren’t always smooth sailing due to the challenges posed by autism. Should anything go wrong, it often disrupts your child’s whole day. Anything like getting inadequate sleep to feeling misunderstood can have a profound effect. Each situation is a little different, but a few common strategies help parent most children with ASD. You should take advantage of them to improve both your child’s and your quality of life. To get you started, we’ll point out a few helpful tips for managing autism to help you and your child thrive! Prioritize a Routine…

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WTF is happening?

We had a pretty good day. It rain/stormed for most of it and it was a welcome reprieve from all the explosions that have been pretty must constantly happening for the last couple of weeks. I haven't talked about here but I started a Twitter thread last night and apparently, this is happening all across the country This is has been happening for at least the last week or so. Its 24/7 on and off. If it's not here it's down the street or somewhere else that close enough to rattle the windows. For the record, this is NOT sensory friendly, especially at 3am.. pic.twitter.com/e9usZoEnDH— Rob Gorski (@theautismdad) June 22, 2020 For roughly the past few weeks, there has been a constant barrage of fireworks going off, all hours of…

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