That doesn’t make it any less heartbreaking

Unfortunately, I have some bad news to share. It's in regards to Gavin and the progression of his cognitive decline. Sometimes it's tough to discern when and where Gavin regresses. There are times when it's painfully obvious that there's been a change and other times it's more subtle. This is one of those times where it's painfully obvious that there's been a change. It might seem like a weird thing to notice but it's something that can impact him multiple times a day. Gavin can no longer remember the four digit code to unlock the front door. He's known it for years and it's not changed. He will get to the door and just stand there because he no longer knows what to do. This has been going on for…


He has to learn that actions have consequences

We're having some problems with Elliott at school. It's not so much a major problem yet but it is being problematic and what happened yesterday is a perfect example. I'm not going into detail on this because the specifics don't matter and are way too tedious to recount anyway. Essentially, the problem is that Elliott is coming home from school reporting problems and when I speak to his teachers about it, their story is very different than Elliott's. Someone's got to be lying right? Not necessarily. What we're seeing is that Elliott latches onto one or two words he hears and filters out everything else. That everything else is the context surrounding the words he's latched onto. He also focuses on what happened to him and filters out all the…


Our plans have changed for this week

We're having to adjust our plans for this week because of unforeseen car trouble. I mentioned the other day that the car needs at least new brake pads on the front end and bearings on the front driver side. This will all get fixed next Monday and hopefully, we don't need new rotars as well. As a result, we aren't traveling very far right now. To and from school, as well as Dr. Pattie's and back. Both are very close and can reached via back roads. ☺ The car is safe to drive but the pads have started grinding into the rotars and really don't want to have to replace those as well. Plus the sound is horrible and it feels like I'm killing the car every time I use…


I’m feeling totally blessed today

It's been a good day so far. Gavin's doing him best to drive me crazy with his incessant talking but I'm hanging in there. lol The boys are having a pretty good day as well. School went well and Elliott's excited because his class is going to see a movie tomorrow. That's pretty awesome for him. He even did his homework at school to get it out of the way.. Awesome job Elliott. ☺ Lizze was able to rest for a few hours while I was putting together a basic area when I can record my unboxing videos. As I get better at this, I'll get better equipment but for now, I can still get the job done. Two more sponsors have jumped on board today and I received about…


A new way I’m raising #Autism Awareness

I've been working on doing more product reviews and it's taking off like crazy. The whole point of this is to capture people's attention with the products and while they're reading, they'll learn something about Autism. I used to do something like this when I was developing for Android. During the installation of my ROM's, the user would read the Autism facts on the install progress screen and learn something. This was wildly successful but after a few years I stopped developing and that is no longer a project I'm working on. As for the reviews, I have had a huge response from a ton of companies. Here's an incomplete list of current sponsors: Shark (Robot Vacuum) Neato Robotics (Robot Vacuum) Jabra Bose Touch Point Tile Anker Arteza Rowkin ELF…


…….and for that, we’re grateful

Good morning everyone. We have had a pretty good start to the day, especially considering it's a Monday. The boys got off to school without much of an issue and there wasn't any fighting this morning either. ☺ There are a few changes that need to happen to the schedule though. Gavin's bloodwork is being out off in order to give his immunologist time to fax an order for specific tests she wants him to have, above and beyond monitoring for Clozapine. By waiting, Gavin won't have to have two separate blood draws. Lastly, we're having some car trouble and so I'll need to cancel OT for Elliott this afternoon. The break pads need changed and it's scheduled for next Monday. Until then, we need to significantly limit our driving.…


What the week is looking like for this #Autism family

We're going to start the week off with a relatively slow day. Gavin needs his bloodwork in the morning and Elliott has OT in the afternoon. Aside from from school, that's about it. If the weather is decent, I might try to sneak in a walk but I'm not sure if it will work out. It depends on Gavin's labs. I have a few reviews I need to work on and a couple of invoices to send out. I always have writing to do but that never really ends. lol What would make this a perfect start to the week would be getting Gavin's labs back right away and learning that they are in good shape. Hopefully, his numbers will still be up and I can have one less thing…


Pictures from the best day we’ve had in a long time

Lizze and I had a terrific day today and that doesn't happen all that often. The boys spent the day with their Grandparents, leaving Lizze and I a day to ourselves. ☺ The highlight of our time to ourselves was taking a nice long walk at the park. We ended up going on a light hike and spending the afternoon outside, on a beautiful day taking pictures. We grabbed Subway for a late lunch and caught up on a few shows. Lizze got a nap and I played some Wolfenstein II before boys got home. They finally arrived home around dinner time and we had a nice quiet evening before putting them to bed for the night. We have everything for their lunches already figured out and I'm hoping for…