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3 Reasons Mental Health Isn’t “All In The Mind”

Anyone who experiences mental health issues - and particularly those who have them alongside an issue like autism - will be familiar with the line taken by skeptics. People like to insist that mental health issues are “all in your mind” and some genuinely seem to believe that it’s merely a matter of resolving to overcome the problems. Whether it’s anxiety, depression or any other condition that is recognized as a mental illness, the idea that you can simply think your way out of any of these conditions is ludicrous - and, as the points below illustrate, mental health is anything but “all in the mind” Photo by Andrew Neel on Stress has direct physical consequences The idea that stress can be a valid reason to take time out…


Mental Health And Its Impact

Mental health can be a complex subject to talk about, and it's often misunderstood. Still, it is a subject that needs to be discussed more often than not because there are various misconceptions and stigmas associated with mental illness.  To break down the issue, we need first to understand what exactly constitutes an "illness." The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), which the American Psychiatric Association publishes, defines an illness as:  "a clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome associated with disability or significantly increased risk of death, which occurs in an individual and is typically associated with a particular etiology or set of risk factors."  Photo by Polina Zimmerman from Pexels This means that the DSM-V defines mental illness as any "clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome."  The National Institute of…


I get overwhelmed sometimes

There are times when I feel like a total failure. I've talked about before and I'm sure I'll be talking about it again in the future. I've been fighting this overwhelming feeling of being a failure recently. I know that I do the best I can but sometimes it's just not enough. I feel like I'm drowning in that feeling right now. I've been interviewed many times over the years and I'm always asked about what I find most difficult about being a special needs parent. My answer is always the same and it goes like this. One of the hardest things for me is that I wake up every single morning knowing that even on my very best day, I'm not enough. That sounds super depressing and frankly, it…


The Truth is I’m Not Okay

I swear to God it feels like I’m always apologizing for not writing enough. I don’t know why I feel the need to do that but clearly I do. I guess that I feel as though I’m letting people down when I don’t write or share. That’s just a weird thing I put on myself though. If I don’t write for a period of time, I start getting messages from people checking up on me. Sometimes that's how I end up realizing that it’s been awhile. Anyway, because I’m me and feel the need. I’m sorry it’s been so long since we’ve talked. I'm just going to run with this but truthfully, my heads a mess and I'm not sure what direction this is going to take. Usually there’s a…


Trying to set a positive example for my kids

It's been a pretty quiet day. I'm moving a bit slower today because I hurt in places I didn't even know I had. I workout almost every day and 70 minutes of Yoga has made me question everything I've been doing. LOL I cranked my mattress up to 117°F, used it like a full body heating pad, and was able to get a ton of work done this afternoon. I picked up a couple of new clients and that should prove to be a good thing. The original plan for the day was to take the kids hiking but it rained all afternoon. We were going to pick my mom up and take her with us but now we're going to shoot for later this week, assuming the weather cooperates.…


Life is far too short

It's been a great day so far. Gavin is out spending time with my Mom and the boys are doing awesome. I've been working for most of the day and that's gone amazingly well. I had two meetings today and both went really well. I'm exploring a new partnership having to do with men's health and that looks to be a really good business opportunity. At the same time, I'm all about raising awareness for things and men's health is important. The house has been quiet with Gavin gone and it's kinda like a look at what life might be like when he moves out on his own. He's having a great time with his grandma and while I'm not sure what they're doing, I am absolutely certain that I'll…

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How I’ve grown and changed over the last 2 years

I wanted to talk a little bit about my personal growth journey. I've been very open about this newer foray into learning more about myself, growing into a better version of me, as well as finding peace, and happiness. I turned 40 a couples of years back, lost my last remaining grandparents, went through a divorce, and became a single parent with a shit load of responsibilities that can sometimes be overwhelming. If there was ever a time for self-reflection and personal inventory, this was it. What I haven't done recently is talk about the progress I've made. I don't usually pat myself on the back but sometimes it's important to acknowledge the progress I've made and give myself a little credit for all my hard work. When I first…

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The power of self-care

Guys, I'm feeling really good. I've been hitting the gym almost every morning and I'm so proud of myself for sticking to it. I thought it was going to be hard to get back into it after suffering a major back injury and stepping away for so long. Turns out I was hooked after my first time back. It's kinda like riding a bike. I do have an amazing workout partner and that certainly helps to be able to both support and encourage each other. It's pretty awesome actually. This morning I ended up working out alone but I still showed up and still gave it my all. I'm not gonna lie, I feel pretty fucking amazing and I'm finding myself becoming more comfortable in my own skin. I've come…