3 Tips for Ensuring That You Age Gracefully

Most magazines will always encourage you to stay or look younger. People focus on maintaining strength even in golden years. Old age comes with mental and physical exhaustion, however, aging gracefully and looking younger is not the same. The sagging and wrinkles might happen because of the human growth process. However, embracing your age and living the best of life matters more than anything else. Image credits Some people get into the old age transition smoothly and stay happy without changing lifestyles. However, it is uncommon, and you may want to understand what to do to influence healthy living even during this time. The following are some guides on what you should consider doing: Eating Healthy Meals A balanced diet is significant for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you have…


On a side note

Okay. I've decided to try and send the boys to school in the morning. The school instituted a mandatory mask mandate last week so everyone will be masked. If they need to come home, they will be sent home. I don't know what else to do at this point. There's no fevers, just drainage which makes them cough. My day is fairly open so if I need to retrieve them, I can. I'll drop them off and then go workout. As long as I can squeeze that in, I'll be off to a good start. ☺ I mentioned I was feeling a bit out of sorts eariler. I'm feeling a good deal better now. I made productive use of my anxious energy this afternoon. I washed and put two coats…

Read more about the article Feeling a bit out of sorts lately

Feeling a bit out of sorts lately

I've been feeling a bit disconnected lately and it's got me in kind of a weird headspace. The kids have been sick for a week, which is stressful enough because they've missed a lot of school as a result. As I'm writing this, I can hear them both coughing in the living room and they're supposed to returning to school in the morning. It's nothing more than a cold or sinus thing but I know I would be upset if my kids came home from school as we're drowning in new COVID cases, telling me that there was a kid in their class coughing and hacking up a lung all day. I would be livid that this child was allowed to return to school. Ohio is back up to over…


You Cannot Pour From An Empty Cup

You’ve probably heard this phrase. You’ve even said it to people around you. You cannot pour from an empty cup. But what does it mean? Why do people say that to you? If you’re running around in life like a headless chicken trying to get everything done, the chances are that you are spending more time looking after everyone else and filling their cups rather than filling your own. The more you give of yourself, the less you have and one day, you’re wondering why you’re so exhausted and nothing feels “finished” - it’s because you have nothing left to give to anyone, and there's also no sips left for you.  Here’s where we say that it’s okay to be selfish sometimes. It’s absolutely fine that you should want things…

Read more about the article I feel grateful for all I have

I feel grateful for all I have

The kids went to school without any problems. That's always a good thing. I'm not a huge fan of having to make multiple trips but it is what it is. I had to drop Emmett off a bit early because Gavin had a follow-up with neurology at the Cleveland Clinic. Thankfully, this was a telehealth appointment, so I didn't have to drive. This was an appointment to discuss slowly getting Gavin off of his autonomic medications. There's a good chance he's outgrown some, if not all of these autonomic related problems. ENHAN We have to be very careful and make these changes slowly, over time. It's going to be a work in progress but he's got this. The fewer meds the better. After his appointment I hit the gym. It's…

Read more about the article Some much needed perspective

Some much needed perspective

I'm laying in bed tonight just thinking about how lucky I am. Sometimes I don't focus enough on the positive things in my life and that's not a good thing. I get that it's important to be realistic and I tend to be a realist but at the same time, perspective is really important also. I was in a weird mood for part of the day and I'm not really sure why. I mentioned eariler that I thinks it's combination of being worn out and a lack of sleep. Not being able to workout hasn't been doing me any favors either. That being said, I've since pulled myself out of the funk I was in and I'm feeling great. ENHAN Everyone is in bed and I'm winding down for the…

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A little bit of selfcare goes a long way

Both the boys went to school today and that's a good thing. The weather is cooler and Emmett's school is back open once again. I'm currently waiting for Elliott to be dismissed and then I get to drive across town to retrieve Emmett. I'm in a weird mood today and I'm not sure why. I feel like I slept okay last night but I'm just sorta dragging today. This is the first day sincey surgery that I've felt pretty good. The pain and discomfort has been minimal today. Everything is healing up nicely and I was feeling so good that I made it to the gym this morning after the kids went to school. I just did cardio today. I'm very aware of my current limitations and the treadmill is…

Read more about the article I need to build a new routine for the school year

I need to build a new routine for the school year

We begin a new week that will hopefully include Emmett returning to school. He was not thrilled to have school closed for a week, when he was only two days into the new school year. My day began with a wonderful early morning walk, and some great conversation. It's really weird not going to the gym right now but I'm thrilled be at least be able to take these walks. I'm planning a hike for this weekend and I'm very much looking forward to that. I'm healing well from surgery and my stitches get removed on or around the September 8th. I can't wait to put all of this behind me and continue moving forward. I'll be starting the week with a day full of meetings and I'm looking forward…