Rough night and even rougher morning but I’m not giving up

Emmett had a really, really hard time sleeping last night and has been up since 4am-ish. Since it's been time to get ready for school, he's been freaking out over everything and I have no idea what's going on with him. He's refusing to go to school on a day where I literally don't have the time to deal with this. Gavin's got to be at Akron Children's Hospital shortly after the boys arrive at school.  I'm writing this from timeout because I needed to remove myself for a few minutes.. Time for me to get back to my life... ☺


What I’ve learned about myself since my wife left one year ago today

I truly want to go into today with a positive attitude because while today is a very painful reminder of what myself and the boys have lost, it's also a milestone to be celebrated.  For the last 365 days,  I've been a single Father to 3 amazing boys with numerous special needs. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be able to do this on my own but guess what, I did.  ☺ I've learned so much about myself, my limitations and my ability to preserver. Our lives are far from perfect but I'm giving my boys everything I possibly can and despite my shortcoming, I'm damn proud that we've made it this far.  I'm an awesome Dad and the reason I know that is because I…