So far so good-ish

Sometimes we have to dig deep into our repertoire of parenting tricks, in order to get through the day. Here's what we had to do this morning to ensure smooth sailing... Can anyone relate? Let me know in the comments..


The kids will be home soon and I’m totally ready 

The boys will be arriving home from their Grandparents in a little while.   I didn't sleep very well and woke up with major back pain. I'm pretty sure it's our mattress. I suffered a major back injury back in 2001 and I really need a better mattress.  Anyway, aside from that, I'm totally ready to have my kids come home.   As much as we need the break, I miss them so much when they're gone and and can't wait for them to be home once again.  It's weird how that works but that's just the way I feel....  I'm hoping to have a great day.. ☺ 


My heart breaks for Jacob Hall and his family

Six year old Jacob Hall passed away on Saturday, the latest victim of school shootings. My heart is broken and I can't imagine what this family is going through. I have some things I want to say about this tragedy and others like it. Please take a second and read the post. Share it if you agree and let work together to put an end to this type of violence. #Autism #Parenting #ParentingAdvice #Parenthood #Family