The 1 thing we usually do after our kids get a #vaccine

I was hoping to recover from the events of this morning but doctors appointments can be tough for Autism families. I tried my best to keep everyone moving forward but it didn't always work out. On the way home from the boys pediatrician appointments, Elliott wanted to stop and get something to eat. That's always been an unofficial tradition after someone gets a shot. It's not written anywhere and there's no rule that says we have to but it's proven to be a great way to redirect after a stressful experience like getting a shot. Anyway, it was tough but I had to say no because things are really tight right now and I need to put all I can into grocery shopping. That being said, rather than get fast…


Do I have less patience now?

Gavin had therapy tonight and one of the things that I mentioned to the therapist is that I just don't have patience for Gavin anymore. We discussed that briefly before something occurred to me. Perhaps this is a philosophical question but it's something I think Special Needs parents should keep in mind as their kids get older and perhaps more challenging. First of all, let's be crystal clear. I'm as far from perfect as any one person can be. I'm human and I have very human limits. That being said, the people who know me in real life, have been saying forever that I have the patience of a Saint, especially when it comes to Gavin. In all fairness to myself, I did have a seemingly endless supply of patience.…


I’m struggling to find my voice

I've been writing for almost a decade now. There have been highs and lows along the way but I do my best to share our journey, despite the daily challenges. One of the problems with doing this for as long as I have is there are times where I simply burnout and sorta lose my voice. I don't mean lose my voice in the traditional sense though. When I lose my voice, I mean that I feel as though I've lost my direction in regards to writing. Sometimes I'm just too exhausted to make heads or tails of my thoughts, let alone put those thoughts into words. One of the things that I struggle with sometimes is keeping up with my writing and conveying my thoughts or feelings in ways…

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What happens when my kid with #Autism makes a mistake?

Let me tell you something, there are days where Autism just truly sucks. I know it's taboo to say something like that because whatever but it's the truth. This morning the boy's State ID's showed up and if you remember the nightmare at the BMV, you know what we went through just getting that done. Emmett took one look at his and decided he didn't like his signature not being perfect. He immediately melted down, ran upstairs and barricaded himself in his room. All of this was because of a perceived imperfection in his handwriting. This sensitivity to imperfection is usually associated with Sensory Processing Disorder, which is a common and comorbid diagnoses that goes along with Autism. It sucks because there is no way to really help him work…


Here’s how we figured out the legal problems after Gavin turned 18

I was finally able to connect with the person in the legal department at Akron Children's Hospital today, that I needed to speak with. We had a somewhat lengthy conversation about Gavin and how we should proceed with the legal quandary of him turning 18 years old, being legally incompetent and us being unable to complete guardianship at the moment. The current plan is to use a medical power of attorney and when it comes to signing any paperwork, Gavin will sign but so will we. I guess that covers our bases. Everyone understands what's going on and shockingly (I say with total sarcasm), it's a first for everyone. We have to get the papers signed and notorized in the morning. I will deliver them, along with a sworn affidavit…


The #1 thing all #Autism Parents worry about and it’s not what you think

Over the last decade, I've put a great deal of focus on the fact that all people touch by Autism are unique and not cookie cutter copies of each other. I also stressed the same applies to Autism families as well because no two are exactly the same. Both of these statements are true and sadly, too many people still don't grasp this concept. Stereotypes and assumptions still abound when it comes to anything Autism related. This post isn't about reiterating the same old facts all over again. Instead, this post is about the number the one worry that all Autism parents share. Aside from loving our kids with Autism unconditionally and without limits, this is one thing that in my experience is absolutely universal. One might assume that we…


2 main reasons why @Philips hue bulbs and motion sensors have saved my sanity (@tweethue)

I've not written about this before but one of the things that drives me crazy, is the kids leaving lights on when they leave the room. More than that, it drives me crazy that they keep their lights on during the day in the first place. This has been an ongoing problem because the boys don't feel comfortable in a room without the lights on. They leave said lights on when they leave because that way the lights are on when they return. This is an Autism related thing for them. More specifically, it's probably mostly sensory in nature but I have heard of many other parents struggling with the same thing. As the person struggling to pay the electric bill, this drives me crazy because it's a waste of…

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Dear #Autism Parents, I know how it feels

The stress level in the house is pretty high today. I'm not sure exactly what this high level of stress stems from because it's probably not one single thing. We're worried about Gavin's immunological issues, countless growup issues that we shield the kids from, and all the other things that go along with being a special needs family. While we're getting out of the house on day trips, Lizze and I haven't had a night to ourselves in a long time. Any parent can go crazy without time to themselves. As special needs parents, we almost never get time to ourselves and the extreme toll it takes on our physical/emotional well being is very real. Lizze and I are burning out. In our lives, there is simply too much to…