Coping with Frustration

The boys had a great day at school today and that great day day quickly went downhill after arriving home. Lately, Emmett has been struggling in the coping with frustration area of his life. He goes from zero to full-on rage in nothing flat. While he has legitimate reasons to be frustrated, the issue at heart is his inability to cope with said frustration. I think part of the problem is that while he loves school and does remarkably well, it's also very taxing on him. When he gets home from school, he sorta crumbles. What we have to do is find a way for him to more constructively manage these emotions. We have some tools at our disposal and we need to get him back into using them on…


Trying to help my adult #Autistic son find independence is challenging

Gavin had a pretty rough afternoon/evening and it culminated into a decent sized meltdown at therapy tonight. The problem is that Gavin either isn't recognizing or is unwilling to admit he's making mistakes. Mistakes are something that Gavin simply doesn't tolerate, especially in himself. When something happens and we try to point it out to him, he very often will either deny it happened or happened the way it did. He can become very, very upset. We had a situation arise at therapy tonight and it led to a decent sized meltdown. It wasn't a big deal but it was a great example for Dr. Pattie to see, so she can help guide us through it. All that happened was Elliott handed Gavin a cup of goldfish crackers and for…


Not a good way to start the day

I woke up to the kids fighting this morning. I should be a bit more specific by saying that it was Elliott and Emmett. Gavin was in his room, most likely quietly running a mission. The boys have been at each other's throats since they woke up and if I don't intervene, this will end up dictating the course of our day. We have my niece's first birthday this afternoon and they need to be in a better place before we can pull that off. I'm making everyone get dressed and we're going for a walk. The kids don't get enough exercise as it is and when they are full of negative energy, life is so much harder for everyone. Going for a simple walk, will help them to find…


A meltdown inducing dentist appointment today

We have an exciting day planned and by exciting I mean not fun at all. Mr. Emmett is returning to the dentist this afternoon because he has a baby tooth that needs fixed. When he was at the dentist a month ago, we discovered that he had the start of a cavity on the front of the tooth that had been in contact with his metal cap. The cap had left a mark on the tooth in question and the dentist wants to fix it before it can become a problem. It's minor enough that he shouldn't need to be numbed up or anything like that. I know it's a baby tooth but that tooth is not ready to come out and we don't want there to be any problems.…


Sometimes I struggle with feelings of being a terrible parent but not tonight

I really struggle with feelings of being a terrible parent. I feel this way for a number of reasons but one of the biggest reasons revolves around failing to give my kids a better life. I know there's only so much I can do but I still feel like I'm failing them. Anyway, I decided to get them out of the house yesterday. Our house is so small. And they have nowhere to play. It breaks my heart to see them try have fun but end up getting frustrated. Honestly it feels pretty shitty. I'm very preoccupied but I wanted to stop what I was doing and give them my undivided attention. Lizze was sick and whatever I did, I would have to go it alone. After talking to the…

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You may think me a bad parent for this..

In an effort to try and not internalize this, I'm going to be brutally honest. Gavin is driving me absolutely fucking crazy. I love him. I truly do and I know that for the most part, this isn't his fault, but holy shit, I'm going to lose what's left of my mind. Gavin is a really amazing person and he has so many admirable qualities. He's kind, helpful, respectful, never gives up, never complains and always has a smile on his face. Gavin is the kind of person who would do anything for anyone, even at his own expense. That being said, Gavin is also very difficult to coexist with. He talks incessantly, freaks out over every single mistake he makes, he tries to parent his younger brothers, manipulates and…


Some #Autism parenting frustrations and obstacles

Last night was one of those rare moments in life where my wife and I had a childless house. While we might get a break or two a month, typically there's still someone home with us and makes it much less of a break. The reason for that is Gavin. Gavin causes too many problems with his brothers if all three of them are together at the same time. It triggers fighting and things get ugly. Unfortunately, there's really no getting through to Gavin because he's not one to learn from experience. Essentially, the problem arises from Gavin wanting his way, all the time when he's at either one of his Grandparents houses. He's very good at manipulation in these situations and as I said, it's very upsetting to his…


Where’s the volume control?

I love my family. I know things are challenging and I can find myself overwhelmed and frustrated but I truly adore my family. Aside from improving our quality of life and safety, I wouldn't change my life for anything in the world. I don't know why I always feel compelled to say that prior to discussing something that I find frustrating but I do. Anyway, having said that, it was rough day. Lizze is in a great deal of pain and her head was pretty much left her incapacitated. On Tuesday, I gave her the second injection of Aimovig, her new migraine preventative. While it hasn't helped yet and we don't expect it to for a three or four months, for a few days after the injection, her migraine gets…