Surprise Surprise

The wait for Gavin to have is bloodwork done about one hour and fifteen minutes. At about the one hour mark, Lizze parents showed up and took over waiting. They had texted me about hanging out with Gavin this morning and wanted to come pick him up from the lab. I was able to head home and they were able to spend some time with Gavin. That's a win win in my book. Now we simply have to wait for the results of his labs. This is the part I'm dreading. As many of you know, I hate when the only thing left to do is hurry up and wait.


Sometimes it’s the little things

This past week has been a rougher one for Mr. Gavin. For some reason, he's been dealing with bouts of nausea. Some of these bouts have been worse than others but they seem to mostly happen at night. Thankfully though, the last couple of nights have been good for him. I don't think he's had an issue since Thursday night. You might be asking yourself, why is Gavin being nauseated such a big deal? The problem isn't so much the nausea itself but rather the vomiting that can occur as a result. Gavin has a very serious Autonomic disorder that has come close to killing him on a few occasions. Basically, his brain stops controlling involuntary functions like blood pressure, body temperature and heart rate. When this happens, he goes…

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My heart breaks for Gavin tonight

For the second night in a row, Gavin is going to bed sick to his stomach. I'm not sure what's going on but it was so bad that he went to bed before 6:00 PM. I don't think he's actually sick sick but it might be autonomic in nature. These could be mini to moderate crises. They aren't anything that will send him to the hospital but it's enough to knock him off his feet. When these things come around, the absolute best thing he can do is go to sleep. Going to sleep helps his body to stabilize and when he wakes up, he's usually better. We haven't seen anything like this in awhile and I could totally be wrong but the symptoms do fit. If he were to…


Poor Gavin is devastated

Poor Gavin is having a rough morning. He'd been saving up for a $15.00 game on his tablet called Adventures in Mana. On Friday evening, I bought the game for him because he's been such a big help around the house, I felt he deserved a surprise. He was super excited and has been loving the game all weekend. The reviews were overwhelmingly positive but many people were complaining about game breaking bugs. Gavin wasn't worried about that because he liked the game so much. Unfortunately, about an hour ago, he stumbled across one of those game breaking bugs and it definitely breaks the game. He's so upset that he's been in his room crying for almost thirty minutes now. He wants to be left alone so we're respecting his…


Gavin’s brain is getting worse

Gavin has been having serious mental and physical health problems for almost his entire life. As far as Elliott and Emmett are concerned, they've never known any different. To them, Gavin has always been like this and they never knew him before he began to change. Something that we have probably not done enough of, is sitting the two youngest down and explaining to them what Gavin is going through. There are times that they tease Gavin because they don't realize that Gavin has zero control over his inability to do or not do certain things. As an example, Gavin can't tell the difference between two of our ferrets. Tiny and Lemme do look very much alike but their faces are different. The rest of us can see the difference…


Gavin did something truly awesome today

I wanted to share something really cool that Gavin did today. Actually, it's a couple of cool things. I don't want to short change him. ☺ This afternoon, Akron Children's Hospital delivered Gavin's IVIG infusion supplies. I physically received them and signed the paperwork. When I brought them into the house, I handed Gavin the inventory list and told him to make sure we received everything we were supposed to get. It was a slower process for Gavin in because he doesn't process things very quickly anymore. That being said, he went through everything, matched it up to the list and identified supplies we were missing. I knew we were missing a few supplies because they were out of stock and scheduled for delivery next week sometime. I didn't tell…


Why the NeuroPsych testing is so important

I know is there isn't anything that I can do but I'm really upset that Gavin's testing was canceled. The last time he had NeuroPsych testing was on 7/01/2014. I know that because I pulled his report. I thought it was longer than that but I guess not. There are a few reasons that this test is so important. The first is that it gives us a complete picture of where he is, how he thinks, what his capabilities are, where his weaknesses are and what we can do to help. One of the big take aways from last time was learning how Gavin's memory worked. He struggles with memory big time but at the time of his precious testing, they discovered that his brain is retaining the information but…


Bad news

I've been continuing to follow up in regards to Gavin's NeuroPsych testing scheduled for tomorrow. After a few attempts to connect with our case manager, I haven't heard anything back. As a result, I called the Cleveland Clinic directly, checked on the status and I'm glad I did. Insurance has denied Gavin's claim three times this week already, the last being yesterday. Unbeknownst to me, the appointment had been canceled. I'm glad I did my due diligence because otherwise I would have hauled Lizze and Gavin to the Cleveland Clinic at a Godawful hour, only to find that we no longer had an appointment. The only reason I would have assumed anything in the morning is because I was told by the Cleveland Clinic eariler in the week that the…