We’re giving serious thought to homeschooling at least 1 of our 2 kids with #Autism, that are still in school

Full disclosure. I'm exhausted and having a hard time putting thoughts together tonight. I'm going to try and make this as coherent as possible but no promises. Lizze and I are seriously talking about the logistics of homeschooling the boys. Between Emmett's inability to wear clothes and Elliott's emotional struggles that are the result of several things related to school and severe anxiety. The main concern is Emmett though because his struggles physically prevent his attendance. Things with Elliott could be corrected with proper intervention within the school. The idea of homeschooling the boys is not something we take lightly, even in the it's just a possibility phase of talking. There are so many potential downfalls to homeschooling but at the same time, there is a substantial upside as well.…


A massive meltdown set the tone for the entire day and that sucks

It's been one of those days where I'm not sure how we've made it this far. lol For the first time in awhile, Emmett almost didn't make it to school because of sensory processing issues. Those issues were of course related to his clothes. Truthfully, I don't think he was feeling well. He was complaining of a headache and tummyache but I don't know if that was behind his struggles or just influencing them. By the time we worked through it, we were an hour late to school and they had missed breakfast. We stopped by McDonald's on the way so the boys could get something to eat before dropping them off at school. Emmett was hanging on by a thread already but when McDonald's screwed up his order not…


Tons of awesome pics from this week’s snowday

The boys got a relatively rare chance to play outside in the snow. Normally we avoid being outside in the yard due to safety concerns associated with our neighborhood. It's been pretty quiet lately and Lizze and I were right there with them the whole time. It was really awesome to see them playing and having fun. Everyone had a good time and they spent about 20 minutes throwing snow balls, making snow angels and being kids. 💜 [foogallery id="68176"]


Teacher conferences: Proud and Pissed Off

We had conferences tonight and they went amazingly well. That doesn't mean there wasn't anything to deal with though. I'll begin with Emmett because he's going to be the easiest. We met with all of Emmett's teachers and not one of them could even think of a single thing that Emmett could possibly improve upon. It was twenty minutes of literally hearing nothing but them praising everything about him. Emmett helps other students with their work and essentially tutors them when they need extra help. His teachers kept saying they wish they could have 18 clones of him. ☺ What was really cool is that they told him how amazing he is and do so all the time. Emmett is so proud of himself and he loves school like crazy.…


When parents and teachers are on the same page

The boys had a good day at school and that's never a bad thing. Elliott's very concerned about whatever this thing is that's going on between him and his teachers. At the very least, there's a communication issue and we need to button that up. I'm hoping this will prove to be enlightening because when teachers and parents are on the same page, our kids will only benefit. Unfortunately, the conferences aren't until 7 PM tonight and that sucks but whatever we have to do. ☺


Parents play a huge role in their children’s education

Lizze and I have teacher conferences scheduled for tonight. Unfortunately, we have some concerns about Elliott's teachers and want to hear their side of things. Elliott has been struggling with his math makeup work and according to him, he's asked for help a few times this week but his teacher won't help him. This isn't our first rodeo so we don't assume that Elliott's accurately perceiving what's taking place inside the classroom. At the same time we aren't assuming that Elliott's wrong either. We know enough to know that teachers aren't perfect and that things happen that we wouldn't think would happen. I've not known Elliott's teachers before this school year and so I have no history with them. They're newer and it's always a good idea to make every…


Here’s the verdict from the first day of school

I'm greatly relieved to be able to share that the boys first day of school was an overwhelming success. All of the kids that were a problem last year for Elliott, are no longer attending. This is amazing news for Elliott and anyone else that was troubled by this last year. ☺  Both Elliott and Emmett like their new classrooms, teachers and classmates.  There might even be hope for them eating the school breakfast, as the food has changed this year and is supposed to be much better.  Best of all, not one person said anything to Elliott about his backpack.  We clearly got off to a rough start but I'm thrilled with the way it all played out. I'm hoping that tomorrow is just as good, but with a…