It’s a major sensory morning in this #Autism house

I've put myself in time out for a few minutes. I'm going on four hours of sleep and Emmett is a sensory nightmare this morning.  He's really struggling and at this point, we can't help him to wear his socks.   The last resort is sending him barefoot in his crocks but that's what we had to do on Friday and we'll do it again today.   Right now I'm having Emmett stand in a big box of rice, hoping to wake his feet up, as his occupational therapist would say.  I'm not sure it's going to help much but it's something to occupy him while I take a breather.   It's important to recognize my limits and make sure I don't lose my cool. Putting myself in time out,…


The most unexpected thing happened tonight

Tonight while Lizze and I were watching Supernatural on Netflix, I got a text message that I've only ever received during the winter.   It was a notification that school will be closed tomorrow. It also appears that school will also be closed on Friday as well but there's some conflicting information on that.   The text came in at 10pm and said school would be closed today and tomorrow.  Assuming that most people would see the message in the morning, it would seem that Thursday and Friday are cancled.   Apparently though, there was a teach who posted on Class Dojo that classes would resume on Friday.  Since school was being called off due to excessive heat, it doesn't make sense to cancel Thursday and not Friday as well…


Massive meltdown over shoes and socks

Here's what happened this morning in regards to Emmett's shoes and socks.  For simplicity, I'm going to refer to it as World War III because that's what it felt like.   Emmett went from excited about going to school to massively melting down over shoes and socks.   I had him in a pair of socks and sandals for a little while and then all of a sudden, he freaked out because they started to feel funny.  The meltdown lasted over 30 minutes and was sprinkled with I won't go to school and I'm so sorry my feet feel funny.  It's as heartbreaking as it is frustrating.  Once we had reached the 15 minutes late mark, we had no choice but to carry him to the car with a few…