Things That Can Directly Affect Your Mental Health

This is a collaborative post and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of this blog or its author. People don’t realize that there are things they do every day that directly affect their mental health, either in a positive or negative way. Mental health still isn’t taken seriously by some, although many people will experience things like depression, anxiety, and other issues at some point in their lives. It can happen to anybody at any time, so raising awareness and breaking the taboo surrounding the subject is a must. If you want to make sure you’re caring for your mental health, the best thing you can do is pay attention to the factors that directly affect it. Take a look at the list below: The Food You Eat The…


Morning meltdowns are so exhausting

This morning was a bit on the rougher side of shitty. Emmett really struggled with his stomach and was extremely upset because he didn't feel good but he also didn't want to miss school. He struggled with this so much that he ended up melting down. We decided to have him stay home because he truly wasn't feeling well and maybe we could get him to school a bit later in the day. I took Elliott to school but stopped at Walgreens because he decided at the last minute that he wanted to bring Valentines to school. While I was there, Lizze called and said Emmett basically wanted to try going to school. We turned around and claimed Emmett before making our way to the school. It's important to understand…


An Important Update: Anxiety, Depression and Respite

There's a few things I need to catch you up on. For starters, Emmett made it to school this morning however, he came home sick about lunchtime. I understand there's a stomach bug going around the school but I'm not sure he's actually sick. I totally believe his stomach hurts but I suspect that something might be bothering him and he's just unable to articulate it. It's so easy to forget that Emmett is significantly emotionally delayed because he's so stinking smart. Part of that delay involves expressive language, of which he greatly struggles with. He's doing a bit better since coming home from school. We have therapy tonight and we'll focus on Emmett. Maybe even figure out what's bothering him. Gavin's having a better day today. I'm really glad…

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Emmett is struggling this morning

Emmett is struggling this morning. His tummy is upset again and he's not in a good place. He's on the verge of a massive meltdown and nothing is helping. I don't know why his tummy hurts or if it's something else that's bothering him and it's causing a tummy ache. I suspect Emmett is dealing with anxiety about something and just isn't able to telling us what it is. I'm taking a short break from trying to help him work through it because it too early and I'm already getting overwhelmed. If I don't take a break, I'm going to be of little use.


Elliott is too distressed to sleep

Elliott and I are having a campout in the living room tonight. He's been unable to sleep, and so I thought maybe spending some time together would help me get to the bottom of what's been causing him so much distress. I hate seeing him struggling, and Elliott doesn't always like to open up. He's much like Emmett in the sense that he doesn't do well when it comes to expressing how he's feeling. Anyway, we spent quite some time playing in our Minecraft Realm together. He didn't tell me anything I didn't already know, but much of his distress is related to school. I know that much, but I'm not sure how to help him figure this out. Lizze and I will be meeting with Dr. Pattie next week…


Dry air makes it so hard for me to sleep

I had a rough time sleeping last night. Majority of the problem was related to the air being so dry, it made me really stuffy and that always makes it hard for me to sleep. It's like a fricking desert. Around 2 AM I ended up downstairs on the couch. Its easier to breathe down there for some reason. I need to put the humidifier on the second floor because that should make a difference. I didn't end up fall asleep with Ruby curled up next to me. Thankfully, the boys are at Lizze's parents house, so I was able to sleep in. Gavin didn't need anything this morning and I wasn't disturbed. All we have to do today is take Lizze to the dentist, get stuff for the boys…