Read more about the article Things I do to manage my #Autism Parenting Stress
While we were at the park today, I spent some time taking pictures of the many flowers that are living there. The last time we were there, we saw an elderly couple working in the garden, and they did an amazing job. I wish my yard looked even a tiny fraction of how good this huge garden does. I'm feeling motived to work in the yard this summer, and make things look as nice as they possibly can. We're somewhat limited because of funding and where we live, but I'm all about making the best of what we have to work with...

Things I do to manage my #Autism Parenting Stress

One of the most important things an Autism parent can do is take care of themselves. I wanted to share one of the things I do in order to better manage my stress. While we were at the park today, I spent some time taking pictures of the many flowers that are living there. Taking pictures relaxes me and helps me to put things into perspective. While we were at the park today, I spent some time taking pictures of the many flowers that are living there. The last time we were there, we saw an elderly couple working in the garden, and they did an amazing job. I wish my yard looked even a tiny fraction of how good this huge garden does. I'm feeling motived to work in the yard…

Read more about the article Gavin’s favorite place
Gavin's favorite place. I love the fact that Gavin has a favorite place to sit and enjoy nature. This is at the Canton Garden Center, and he sits here watching the fish swimming at the surface of the little pond. He also seems to enjoy the calming waterfall as well. Do you have a favorite place to just zen-out?

Gavin’s favorite place

I love the fact that Gavin has a favorite place to sit and enjoy nature. This is at the Canton Garden Center, and he sits here watching the fish swimming at the surface of the little pond. He also seems to enjoy the calming waterfall as well. Do you have a favorite place to just zen out?


Resolving Conflicts When You Disagree About Parenting

Parenting is definitely not for the faint of heart. Just when you think you know what you are doing, your child throws you for a loop. Hiding homework. Trying to get out of chores. Getting out all the paints and… you get the idea. What makes things harder is when you and your spouse don’t agree on how to handle things. One parent may be more lenient, and the other harsher. Who is right? Well, that’s the hard part. There is no parenting handbook, no definite rules for every child in every situation. What works for one family may not work for another. And so, you may feel like you are constantly going back to the drawing board. If you disagree about parenting, here are five ways to resolve the…


I’m so grateful to @Healthline :-)

I want to take a second and give my most humble thank you to I have been chosen as one of their Best Autism Blogs of 2017. As usual, I'm in amazing company and you can check out the complete list over at Healthline by clicking here. Thank you again for this great honor and I hope that I can continue to live up to it. :-)   Healthline  


5 ways you can help an #Autism parent 

Being an Autism parent is overwhelming. I think anyone who's parenting a child with Autism would likely agree with that statement. What I think we can sometimes forget is that Autism can be overwhelming to anyone, including family and friends.  I truly believe that most family and friends want to be supportive, but don't know how. There are also very unsupportive or unhealthy dynamics between family and friends, but let's focus on the positive.  My thoughts at this point, center around helping family and friends discover ways that they can be more supportive, by sharing some ideas that can make a difference. Pick up the phone The easiest thing that someone can do to help an Autism parent is very simple and doesn't cost a penny. All you have to…


BIG Update: This will bring you up to speed 

It was a mixed bag yesterday and I apologize for not writing. I'm hoping to bring you all current in the entry.  Let's start with the fact that Elliott has been unable to fall asleep the last three nights. The only way to get him asleep is to move him to the living room and I've had to do that the last few nights. Part of the problem is that we are out of Melatonin and our new supply won't be here until Sunday.  He's definitely trying to sleep but it just isn't happening. I can get him to sleep but only on the love seat in the living room.  He goes through this every once in awhile and he needs a change of scenery, in order to finally fall…


I’m sick for a few days and it all goes to hell

First things first. The boys had a great day at school and received a big surprise when they got home, in the form of my Dad taking  all three of them to dinner. ☺ I mentioned in the title about things going to hell. That's in reference to this blog. While I was sick, I didn't access the site for almost three days. When I tried getting back on track today, it's honestly like everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. There were all kinds of issues that began popping up and I spent most of the day trying to figure it out. It wasn't a security type issue but rather code corruption somewhere and I couldn't track it down. Long story short, it's all fixed and ended up being…