Gavin hit a major milestone

We’ve hit a major milestone in Gavin’s transition into his adult life. It’s been a journey that has taken us down countless winding roads and back again but he has found his path for now. For those who are new here, Gavin is my 23 year old, autistic son. He’s had a very rough life filled with trauma and life threatening health problems. The very fact that I’m writing about this transition journey is a beyond amazing because there were times along the way that just didn’t see this as a possibility for him. Yet here we are. :-) Gavin is such a unique kid and has overcome so many obstacles in his short life. He’s doing incredibly well but still needs help to navigate the world. He recently hit…


Some major updates about my kids

It’s been a little while since I’m written here. There have been a great many changes in my life and all of them very positive. I’m obviously still experiencing some writing burnout and I just don’t always have the bandwidth to put my thoughts into words like I used to. That said, I’m really trying to push through that and get back into writing again because it is a healthy outlet for me. For the moment, I’m just glad to be writing this. There have been so many changes over the last few months, some I’ll talk about and others, are going to remain private for now, but all are very positive. Let’s start with Gavin. Gavin has been working with a job coach to secure employment. We’ve been working…

Read more about the article Tips for Single Fathers: Navigating Co-Parenting with a Challenging Ex-Partner
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Tips for Single Fathers: Navigating Co-Parenting with a Challenging Ex-Partner

Co-parenting can be challenging even when two well-adjusted, respectful adults share the same parenting goals. When one parent exhibits certain traits or behaviors, navigating the co-parenting dynamic becomes even more daunting. These challenges are particularly evident when dealing with a parent who demonstrates self-centered tendencies. Such individuals can cause significant psychological distress to both their co-parent and their children. As the other parent, you face the task of co-parenting while shielding your children from the negative aspects of their mother or father's personality, all while attempting to undo any damage already inflicted. Moreover, you may have to navigate a legal system that tends to favor mothers over fathers in custody battles. Photo by Pixabay on Identifying the TraitsThere are many signs you are co-parenting with a narcissist. While narcissism…


We arrived at the Converge Autism Summit in Greenville South Carolina

Emmett and I made it safely to South Carolina last night. It took us about 9 hours or so of actual driving and it rained most of the way. Emmett handled the ride really well and if having a great time so far. Emmett didn’t want to stand in the rain Virginia, so I stood alone. lol I’m just finished setting everything up and I’m going to head back out and check out the vendors. Emmett’s working in some school work and our day is off to a pretty good start. :-)


Heading back to the Converge Autism Conference this May

I’m returning to the Autism Converge Conference put on by Springbrook Autism Behavioral Health in Greenville, South Carolina the week of Mayth. The purpose is to help promote the conference and speakers, along with a couple of the social media influencers. Last year’s conference I went last year and had a really good time. It was my very first conference and I met some amazing people while I was there. I decided that I wanted to do more of these things because it gets me out of my comfort zone, it’s a great experience, and it’s a good for business. Springbrook Autism Behavioral Health invites professionals from across the nation to converge for two days of presentations and breakout discussions covering a wide range of topics related to Autism—from diagnosis,…