Sometimes I feel like everyone in my family is speaking a different language

Sometimes I feel like a sane person locked inside a looney bin. I've privately made this statement many times over the years and while it may sound insensitive, it's simply how I feel sometimes.  Let me put this into perspective for you.   There are five people living in our house and four of those five people have special needs. I suffer from depression but I'm largely able to function. There are times however, where that level of function is much more difficult for me to maintain.  Here's the thing that I've been known to struggle with.  Every person I coexist with in our home has physical or emotional needs that require me to modify the way I address things in our life.   Gavin requires me to sit and…


How our child with#Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder reacts to shoes and socks (Audio) 

I'm sharing this with my readers for one singular purpose. I want to help raise awareness for kids/people with invisible challenges, such as sensory processing disorder, as well as what their parents/caregivers experience.  I've spoken countless times about how we struggle when it comes to getting Emmett dressed and ready for school. I've provided direct insight, so you can experience for yourself what this is like for us as parents.   Before you listen to this recording, please keep in mind that this is in no way an attempt to keep from having to go to school. One of the reasons Emmett gets so frustrated is because he desperately wants to be at school but can't tolerate the clothes required for him to leave the house sometimes, especially in the…


Yay…. It’s a snow day

As we predicted, the schools across North East Ohio are closed today because of the dangerously cold temperatures. I have a feeling that this snow day will extend into tomorrow as well because it's not supposed to get any warmer.  To be honest, as crazy as it may sound considering how difficult the kids are, I'm glad they're home.  If you're  stuck in this same polar vortex that we are, please stay safe and warm...  ☺ 


Emmett had a rough time falling asleep 

Emmett had a tough time falling asleep last night. He came downstairs and sat with us for a little bit before Lizze took him back to bed.  We weren't sure if he was going to fall asleep in his own bed or move to ours at some point.   When Lizze and I went to bed, we found him fast asleep in his own bed. Awesome sauce...... ☺  I wouldn't be surprised if we we learn that he stayed in his bed because our room was too dark but who cares. This is major progress and what makes this so awesome is that he was able to work through this..  Great job Mr. Emmett..... ☺ 💙 


Important Update: Gavin’s Urologist Called Today

We had some things go very right today and we had some things present us with challenges. I feel like overall the day was a success, and not just because we physically survived. (see Thank God for mornings like this and read all about it)  The main topic of this entry is centered around the phone call I received from Gavin's Urologist's office at the Cleveland Clinic.  They were following up on Gavin's emergency room visit yesterday. I think that's a cool thing to have a doctor's office follow up like that without being prompted. It shows they care and that's why we love the Cleveland Clinic.  I spoke with a nurse who wanted to know all that happened and everything the ER doctors did while we were there. We spoke for…


Thank God for mornings like this

Yesterday was a tough day for me on many levels. I experienced intense feelings of fear, panic, disbelief, frustration, exhaustion, anger, resentment and lots of guilt.  The long day turned into a long night because Elliott woke up in pain and I'm pretty sure it was the result of the way he was sleeping.  He felt better after moving to the couch and falling asleep while I played with his hair.  Having barely survived that, I was so incredibly thankful for how well the morning went.  The boys were slow to get moving but once they did, the morning went well.  Emmett did his crocs and socks without much problem because he knew that once he got to school he could put on the super fuzzy slippers I bought him…


UPDATE: Gavin was in the hospital today and here’s what happened 

Update: I was so frazzled when writing this that I forgot to thank all of you for all the love, support, thoughts and prayers that were sent our way today.  It actually means a great deal to us.  ☺  There are times I wish I could just speak to my readers directly because it would so much easier to talk than write.  Sometimes I struggle with putting words to my emotions and frankly, that is why I don't write more than I do anymore. I'm overwhelmed and lacking the energy to say all I need to say. Please bare with me as I try to explain what happened with Gavin today and do so in a way that makes sense.  It's best I start at the beginning.   I woke…


Gavin’s in the emergency room please keep him in your prayers 

We're waiting to go back, but I wanted to take a minute and ask that you keep Gavin in your thoughts and prayers.   Currently were at the emergency room because Gavin has been experiencing something going today that could end up being very serious, especially with a compromised immune system.   Essentially, Gavin's been peeing blood today, and we aren't sure why. Gavin's story has been shifting today, and so we aren't entirely sure what's going on.  At first, we thought he was popping blood and so we called his doctors to find out what to do. Then later on in the morning, Gavin informed us that he hadn't pooped today at all and that he was peeing blood.  He didn't think it was important enough to tell us…

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