When parents and teachers are on the same page

The boys had a good day at school and that's never a bad thing. Elliott's very concerned about whatever this thing is that's going on between him and his teachers. At the very least, there's a communication issue and we need to button that up. I'm hoping this will prove to be enlightening because when teachers and parents are on the same page, our kids will only benefit. Unfortunately, the conferences aren't until 7 PM tonight and that sucks but whatever we have to do. ☺


Grocery shopping with my dudes and learning life skills

I meant to share this the other day but like many other things in my life, it's fallen through the cracks. The other say, I took the boys to the grocery store, along with our recycled bags. I picked them up after school and went straight to Giant Eagle. Taking kids with Autism anywhere can prove to be very challenging. Taking two of them is challenging.. lol One of the reasons I like to bring them along, is because I want them to be a part of what we bring into the house. Feeding them is becoming increasingly more difficult and my hope is that by helping me pick out the food, they'll be more likely to eat it. They actually did well on this trip. They didn't fight too much…


Unboxing the Bose Quiet Comfort 35 II Noise Canceling Wireless Headphones

Big thanks goes out to Bose for sponsoring this unboxing video and helping me generate some attention for Autism as well as for organizations that do good work within the community. Today's featured organization is Wishes Can Happen. They can be found here. Wishes Can Happen grants wishes for kids with terminal or life threatening health conditions. They do amazing work and don't get nearly the attention they deserve. The Quiet Comfort 35 II by Bose are amazing headphones in their own right. The quality is spectacular and the sound is second to none. What really sets them apart in the Autism world is their Noise Canceling technology. For kids who are easily overwhelmed by noise, this is a must have. They're expensive but the impact they can have on…


Parents play a huge role in their children’s education

Lizze and I have teacher conferences scheduled for tonight. Unfortunately, we have some concerns about Elliott's teachers and want to hear their side of things. Elliott has been struggling with his math makeup work and according to him, he's asked for help a few times this week but his teacher won't help him. This isn't our first rodeo so we don't assume that Elliott's accurately perceiving what's taking place inside the classroom. At the same time we aren't assuming that Elliott's wrong either. We know enough to know that teachers aren't perfect and that things happen that we wouldn't think would happen. I've not known Elliott's teachers before this school year and so I have no history with them. They're newer and it's always a good idea to make every…


I’ve been sick

For starters, I've been sick since last night. I'm not sick sick but rather I ate something that made me feel like I was going to die. Lizze was kind enough to take over so I could sleep for most of the day. I'm not feeling 100% but I was able to pick the kids up for school and manage the rest of the day. The boys have had a pretty decent day and I'm so proud of them for doing so well today. I'm also really happy to say that Gavin's doing better. He's been feeling so much better than he has been the last few nights. I promise I'll write more tomorrow and get you all caught up of everything that's going on. I need a chance to…


#Autism Parents: Too often we forget to do this

This falls into the category of unsolicited advice and I don't usually like to provide that but this is too important not to. Yesterday was absolutely Hellacious. Lizze and I are really feeling the stress and there isn't any fix to it. Being an Autism parent pretty much guarantees that your life is going to be more challenging than most. It honestly doesn't take long before life begins to take its toll. Something I've learned along the way is that no matter how bad things get, never neglect what matters most. In my case, the kids are never neglected but there are two members of our family who sometimes are. Always, always make your marriage a priority (assuming you're married). Lizze and I sometimes get lost in our lives and…


My heart breaks for Gavin tonight

For the second night in a row, Gavin is going to bed sick to his stomach. I'm not sure what's going on but it was so bad that he went to bed before 6:00 PM. I don't think he's actually sick sick but it might be autonomic in nature. These could be mini to moderate crises. They aren't anything that will send him to the hospital but it's enough to knock him off his feet. When these things come around, the absolute best thing he can do is go to sleep. Going to sleep helps his body to stabilize and when he wakes up, he's usually better. We haven't seen anything like this in awhile and I could totally be wrong but the symptoms do fit. If he were to…


We survived the day and have the pictures to prove it

Today's appointments have me completely and utterly exhausted. Everything is okay with the kids and it does appear that Elliott is dealing with a fever disorder, pending some extensive labs. I'll fill you in on the details but while everything turned out okay, but the there were some problems. For now, here are some pictures from our day.. [foogallery id="67370"]