Helping My Kids Transition to Adulthood is Challenging

Making the switch from parenting young kids with autism to teens and adults can be challenging. Kids grow up so fast, and their needs change as they get older. The teen and young adult years are particularly tough because the push toward independence kicks into high gear. There are so many overlapping behaviors, and I'm learning that some teen stuff is normal. Autism and ADHD will always play a role, but at the end of the day, they're still teenage boys, and they're going to be going through adolescent boy stuff. My current focus is on helping Gavin to move out of the house and move on with his life. We (my incredibly supportive gf and I) have had several meetings with the Department of DD already, and Gavin has…


Every victory matters

It has been a little while since I've shared a victory. Okay, I know. It's been a lot longer than a little while, but better late than never. Today's victory goes to Gavin, and honestly, he blew my mind with this one. Gavin has always been heavily influenced by those around him, especially his younger brothers. He picked up Emmett's habit of constantly asking me if I was okay. I know he means well, but it's compulsive, and it's not uncommon for him to ask me a dozen times a day. It gets annoying sometimes because the repetition wears thin, and I'm hearing it from him and Emmett. I try to be patient, but sometimes it's tougher than others. Anyway, Gavin walked into the living room today and, like clockwork,…


When scrambled eggs are so much more than just scrambled eggs

I know, this is the weirdest title ever but I promise it'll make sense. I've been an autism parent for almost two decades and I know how easy it can be to lose hope, especially when things are really challenging. We all need reminders from time to time and that's okay. encourage you all to find a memory that can act as a touchstone. When things get rough, you can focus on that memory and it will help keep you moving forward. These memories can be anything and it doesn't have to make sense to anyone else. We all have something like this in our lives, and mine is scrambled eggs. I know that sounds a bit odd but let me explain. You all know my oldest son, Gavin. If…

Read more about the article I’m so proud of him

I’m so proud of him

I had a conversation with someone today (did a video about it here) and I remembered a bit more about why I started doing everything I do. It was a reminder to me that while evolution and growth can be positive things, it's important to stay true to your roots. I've been thinking alot about this today and I'm feeling inspired to want to make some changes to how I write. My concern for privacy hasn't and won't change, so there are parts of our lives that are simply off limits. That doesn't mean I can't share the cool things my kids are doing and obstacles they've overcome along the way. I've gotten away from this since I became a single Dad a few years back and honestly, I'm not…


The coolest thing happened today

As the title states, the coolest thing happened today. I've been talking about Gavin's ever-growing level of independence, and today marked a big first for him. Gavin gets his IVIG Infusion supplies delivered every month. He organizes them into kits and even does the infusions on his own. I have almost zero involvement in the process anymore. He's doing incredibly well, and I'm proud of him. The only part of this process that he didn't do was sign for the delivery, fill out the paperwork, and mail it back to the hospital. That's always been my job. It's been my job until now, that is. When his delivery arrived yesterday, I asked him if he wanted to do the paperwork. He has to sign his name, date it, and stick…


Goally is the perfect tool for helping my son prepare for independent living

The COVID pandemic has been a nightmare. While it does appear to be moving in the right direction, at least for now, it's still keeping me apart from the people I love. That part is really challenging but someday soon, we'll find ourselves on the other end of this. It hasn't been all bad though. Thankfully, everyone in my orbit is safe and healthy. COVID went through my family as well but thankfully, everyone is okay. I've met some new people who have enriched my life and that's super awesome. One of the best things to come out of this nightmare, is that Gavin has discovered a new level of independence. I've touched on this before but as Gavin has been fully vaccinated, and I'm halfway there, we've begun talking…


Gavin’s in rough shape after his 2nd dose of the #COVID #vaccine

It's been a challenging weekend and I haven't been keeping up with the blog as a result. This will be a super quick update and I'll do more when I can. I wanted to let you guys know how Gavin is doing after his second dose of the Pfizer COVID vaccine. He recieved it at 3:30 pm on Friday. He was fine until late last night. When he finally woke me up at 6:30 am, he was in rough shape. So far his symptoms are massive headache, body aches, chills, and a whole lot of exhaustion. He also says that 2/3 of his spine aches, whatever the hell that means. There's no nausea or anything like that. I'm grateful for that because vomiting would have only made a bad situation…


Gavin gets his final dose of the #COVID #vaccine today

It's gonna be a hectic day. I have a two hour meeting after lunch and it should finish up just in time for me to get Gavin to the health department for his second dose of the Pfizer COVID vaccine. I'm a little concerned about how Gavin is going to handle the side effects. More than that, I'm concerned about how severe the side effects will be for him because of all his health issues. The vaccine is absolutely vital for him and I'm not worried about its safety at all. Most people experience side effects, which is expected. I just don't know how they will impact him, personally. Gavin decided to do his IVIG infusion a day early so he wasn't putting too much strain on his body today.…