I don’t know what to do with myself

The kids left a couple hours ago and it's something that I'm still getting used to. I love every breath just to be around my kids. When there gone, it's like I don't know what to do with myself. Weird huh? It's something that I'll adjust to over time and they're never gone for more than 24 hours or so. It's good for them and I need to find things to occupy my me time. This is my exhausted but putting in the effort look. I mentioned yesterday that I was craving Chipotle. It's been a couple of months since I was last there and I figured, what the hell. Rather than just go get a burrito, I decided I should earn the burrito first. As soon as the kids…


I’m feeling pretty accomplished this morning

It was a night of bad dreams and being kicked in the nuts by Mr. Emmett as he tossed and turned all night. I need to get something figured out with him because we all need to sleep. I gave up and went downstairs about 6AM. That gave me an hour to myself before everyone else got up. Gavin got up super early so that he could take his morning meds and sleep them off before he had to leave for his mom's. He actually did it and our plan seems to be working because he went back to bed for a couple of hours and is feeling better. Great job Gavin. ☺ Anyway, I have the boys ready to go and even cut Gavin's hair in time for him…


The kids will have a short visit this weekend

This is going to be sort of a weird weekend. The boys will be going over to visit their mom for a couple hours before heading to a birthday party. They'll be gone from 10 AM to about 3PM-ish. This will be a short visit for the kids and they probably aren't going to be happy about that. They are aware of the timeframe but haven't complained about it since I told them they were going. I'm thrilled they get to visit. It's important that they maintain a relationship with their mom. I'm not sure what I'm going to do during my brief parenting break but I do suspect it will include a Chipotle burrito. I haven't had one in forever and it really sounds good.

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Tragedy and Topics: #Podcast Season 2 Update

I wanted to pass along the quick trailer for Season 2 of The Autism Dad Podcast. I quickly bring people up to speed on the recent changes that are impacting my life and the lives of my kids. I also talk about the topics to be discussed during this coming season and show you how you can sponsor and/or be a part of an episode if you're interested. I really appreciate your patience and support. It's been a rough year and I'm working very hard to get my feet back underneath me once again. Season 2 is pretty exciting for me and I can't wait to get started. ☺


It’s been a f*cking awesome morning

The kids got off to school just fine this morning. Everyone was in a good place and I'm really hoping the both make it through the day. I feel like Emmett is going to be okay but I'm worried about Elliott. So far, I haven't heard anything from the school and that's most likely a positive thing. Gavin and I went walking this morning as well and he actually did better than yesterday. The key seems to be him listening to music while he's walking. That works for a lot of people, not just Gavin. Thus far, it's been a really positive day and I'm hoping it continues.


I totally earned the world’s okayest Dad award today

Typically, I'm pretty hard on myself. I don't often cut myself any slack and I carry around guilt that I probably shouldn't. Okay, I carry around guilt that I know I shouldn't but do anyway, but in fairness, that's very common for special needs parents. Anyway, today was one of the busiest days I've had in a very long time. I got the kids up after not sleeping well. Lunches were packed and we left for school on time. I even had both kids going willingly and right now, that's a hugely positive thing. On the way home, Gavin and I went for a walk. He did really well. Often he sorta of scuffs or drags his feet when he walks. This makes him prone to tripping or losing his…

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The dreaded phone call from the school

A little bit after 1PM, I received the dreaded call from the school that Elliott was not feeling well. I spoke with him and he sounded pretty awful. He said that he was nauseous and tried to make it through the day, but he couldn't go on. He made most of the day and that's a good thing. I spoke with the school again and we agreed that he tried and that it was best if I came and got him. We also agreed that this is very likely emotionally based but that doesn't make what he's feeling any less real. As such, Gavin and I went to pick him up. It was late enough in the day that I would normally have picked up Emmett as well. Being that…


Some very good news came out of our appointment today

I made it through Gavin's appointment today. I needed to bring his shrink up to speed and that took a little while. Ultimately, Gavin's doing pretty good and we've not made any medication changes. The only thing we did was move Gavin from a seven day supply of Clozapine to a fourteen day supply of Clozapine. Assuming this gets approved by the governing body that grants permission for each refill, Gavin will only need blood work every two weeks. He's super excited about that. As long as his numbers stay good for the next six months, he will be moved back to a thirty day supply and blood work once a month. That will make managing this soooo much easier. If Gavin has any issues with his lab results going…

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