Feeling thankful this morning

In a pleasant twist of fate, the weather is going to cooperate, at least for the immediate future. This means we can hopefully get the steps done today.  This is hugely important because we're in a deadline and must be able to have State Farm Insurance take pictures of the new steps on Monday, in order to maintain out homeowners policy. The boys are in a good mood as well and that will make today a bit more manageable.. Feeling super grateful this morning.


I pretty excited about today because I’m allowed to be

I'm pretty stoked about today because my Dad and I are going to be replacing the stairs that lead up to our front porch.  The stairs that are seen in the picture below, have been deemed hazardous by my insurance company and we will lose our homeowners if they aren't replaced immediately. We have to replace the stairs and the handrail that goes up and wraps around.  This shouldn't be too big of a project but the weather isn't supposed to be cooperating and that may prove to be challenging. I'm pretty excited about this for a couple of reasons. Not losing my homeowners is a pretty big thing but it will also significantly improve the front of the house. As much as I hate our house, I'm grateful to…


Here’s a long overdue update about many things

Sometimes it's hard for me to write. This is the case for a number of reasons.  Depression,  exhaustion, life and a few other things, all have a role but I thought I would spend some time today, playing catch-up. While I try to share as much as I can in regards to our life, there are way more things that go on that just never make it to the blog. There's not a reason for this it just sorta happens. I get questions all the time about things that people have been waiting to hear updates about and I'm finally in a place to sit down and get everyone caught up on some of the things I haven't talked about in awhile. Maggie You may recall that shortly before school…


The deadline has passed but it’s not too late to help

In the spirit of brutal honesty, I need to let you know that the server fee's did not get paid by the deadline. The sites just didn't generate enough to cover the fee's this month. I will likely remain online for the next couple of days but I'm locked out of the server until the fees are paid. I'll do my best to figure something out but I can't make any promises. If you are among the thousands and thousands who both appreciate and rely on The Autism Dad Blog or The My Autism Help Forums, it's so important to support us throughout the month. The easiest way to help is by sharing my posts on social media and by visiting my sponsors, via their ads that are sprinkled throughout…


Hoping to end the week on a positive note

I woke up this morning, feeling like I hadn't slept at all.  The boys did pretty well last night, in the sense that they slept in their own beds and did so through the night.  They did however, get up exceptionally early. Aside from Gavin's IVIG infusion, we don't have anything scheduled for today. My hopes is that it will be a quiet day for all of us because it's been a really long week and I'd love to end things on a calm, relaxed and meltdown free note..


We made a difficult decision about Gavin’s current emotional status

I meant to publish this update the other day but I've been a bit distracted. Lizze and I met with Dr. Pattie on Tuesday night to discuss what we should do in regards to Gavin's current psychotic break.  The reality is that there is very little that we can do, aside from possibly adjusting his meds. The decision basically revolves around whether or not to increase his Clozapine dose. While this may not seem like a tough decision, it really is for a number of reasons. Clozapine is not a medication to be messed with, if it can be avoided.  That being said, it's also the only medication that has a history of actually working on Gavin.  It either quiets the voices or makes them silent all together. Gavin is…


Today’s been a day filled with overstimulation and meltdowns 

It's been a pretty chaotic day on my end.  We had an awesome day day yesterday but the kids are paying the price for it today and subsequently, so are we. The boys, namely Elliott and Emmett, have been so beyond hyper and overstimulated today, I've resigned to the fact that today is probably just going to be a wash. We've had a few smaller meltdowns today, which is to be expected after a jam packed day of excitement yesterday. Lizze and I have taken turns napping today because we are both exhausted.  It's actually worked out pretty well, in the sense that at least one of us is awake and semi-coherent. This has successfully prevented the kids from taking over the world.  Lol Anyway, it'll be bedtime soon and…


We have a day filled with absolutely nothing and I love it

Today is the first day this week that we have absolutely nothing to do.  This will work out just fine because I'm sure the boys and in truth, Lizze and I as well, will need the day to decompress from a rather chaotic week. I plan on doing some writing and maybe taking the boys Pokémon hunting. The whole point is that we're shooting for low key and stress free. Who knows if that's even possible but that's certainly the goal..  ☺