Trying to shake off the bad news and focus on the positive

Gavin and I have had a pretty good day.  I'm really trying to shake off the bad news about his diagnosis and focus on some of the more positive aspects of today. After all the chaos from this mornings appointments,  Gavin and I did some grocery shopping and filled our water jugs.  He was a really big help and afterwards, we had lunch. At the moment, we're just sorta chilling out in the car waiting to pick up the boys from school.  It's a beautiful day and while it's a tiny bit chilly,  the sun is shining and I can pretend everything is okay. 😊


Emmett’s having the roughest time sleeping

For the last month or so, Emmett's really been struggling in the sleep department.  To be more specific,  he's struggling to actually fall asleep.  He's back to where he was right after him Mom left.  Not sure what happened with him but we lost a shit ton of progress in the sleep department in the last month or so.  He won't fall asleep unless he's glued to me.  We worked through this once already,  I'm thinking we can absolutely do it again.  ☺


I screwed up and accidentally triple booked myself this morning O_o

I don't know if you remember but my calendar got messed up and has sorta left me flying blind as I'm piecing it back together.  Apparently, this morning is going to be one of those double booked kinda days. I am supposed to have Maggie at the vets office around 9:30 AM to get her stitches removed.  Unfortunately,  I also have to have both Gavin and Elliott at Dr. Reynolds office at the very same time.  Both boys are supposed to see different people at the exact same time.  I'm not sure how I'm going to pull this off just yet but I something has to be rescheduled..


I’m trying to find my voice

I've been trying to find my voice, ever since my wife left last year.  In many ways,  life has become much easier but at the same time, it's more complicated than it used to be.  I don't share everything that's going in inside my head like I used to because not everything is fit for public consumption anymore.  There's a large,  untalked about part of my life that impacts who I am and how I'm doing. I choose not to share because it's best to keep the boys in the dark on this stuff and should they ever happen upon this blog before a certain age,  it would not be good for them. Frankly, it's really difficult to find my voice anymore.  It's not that I don't have anything to…


We’ve had a pretty good afternoon :)

We've had a really great afternoon today.  We celebrated my Dad's birthday with the family and had dinner. The boys got to play with their cousin and I got to just relax and do nothing for a little while.  We got home a little but ago and everyone's just sorta winding down and having a quiet evening at home before going to bed.  It's a short week at school this week so schedules are going to be off a little bit.  I'm hoping to get everyone in bed early and maybe catchup on a few shows before calling it a night myself. . ☺


I have some good news and some bad news

This is a good news/bad news post because there is good news and some bad news.  I'm going to begin with the bad news because it will make the good news make more sense.  I shared earlier in the week that Gavin's IVIG Infusions haven't been going well.  In an attempt to counter this issue, we switched to larger bore tubing. This should have increased the speed with which the infusions took place.  Unfortunately,  after consulting with his immunologist, the likely cause is scare tissue from about 500 needle sticks to the left and right of his belly button, since beginning the at home IVIG a couple years ago.  The good news is that there is a solution.  The solution is to place the infusion needles in an alternate location. …