#Autism and #ADHD have totally kicked my ass tonight

We had a really good day today.  We spent some time outside the house and everyone did great. Unfortunately,  for reasons beyond my understanding, things went straight to Hell.. Emmett and Elliott were both in rare form.  I'm so tired that I'm going to crash early and I'll explain all about this in the morning.  Let's just say we were meltdown and bouncing off the wall central. Autism and ADHD totally kicked my ass...


We had an awesome experience exploring an abandoned hospital today

The boys and I had a pretty awesome afternoon.  We picked my Mom up and went to explore the Molly Stark Park, in the shadow of the really creepy/condemned Molly Stark Hospital.. This has been abandoned for around 20 years now and it's straight out of a horror movie. I'm not sure why they have chosen to make the grounds of this asbestos laden facility,  a family park but they have.  You can walk right up to the building and it's quite creepy but at the same time, absolutely fascinating.  The boys had a great time and we walked the path at the park before having snacks and returning home.  It was beautiful outside and the boys love exploring nature, while I love taking pictures... Check out my Instagram feed…


I wanna have some fun with the kids today

Gavin's down for the count as a result of his morning meds but when he gets up, I want to do something fun with the kids.  At the moment, I'm broke as a joke,  so it needs to be free fun..  Free fun is the best kind anyway.  ☺ It's a beautiful day outside and I'd really like to take advantage of it, even if it's just taking the boys to the playground... I've got a tremendous amount of things to worry about right now but I'm feeling pretty good today and I just want to inject a little normalcy into our lives right now... ☺ I'm open to suggestions and I'll let you all know what I figure out... ☺


We’re off to a decent start today

I woke up this morning to a clogged toilet and kids freaking out cause the Internet was shutoff.  It's pretty amazing how we've come to rely on the Internet for just about everything and when it's not available, life comes to a screeching halt.  The toilet was an easy fix but the Internet was a bit more challenging and a whole lot more painful. 😯 With both if these issues addressed,  we can now begin our first day of the boys four day weekend.  I'm gonna try and convince them to go walk the track this morning but for some reason, Emmett's become very apposed to that.... Either way, I'm gonna make the best of today and try my best to be as productive as possible.. ☺


It’s not easy to remain positive when you’re getting divorced

I've made it a practice not to speak much about my pending divorce because it leads to people asking questions that I can't really answer.  On this day last year,  I had no idea I would only have 6 days left with my wife before she would leave.  I spent some time today filling out some of the final packets of paperwork needed to give my wife the divorce she wants.  After all that's happened,  this divorce is without question the best thing for the boys and I but I hate even saying that because we were a family. :( I've gone through an entire spectrum of emotions over the last year but being angry was never really one of them.. Shock, heartbreak, betrayal, loss, confusion, grief and loneliness were…


The boys have dinner with their Mom tonight

The boys will be going to dinner with their Mom and Grandma tonight.. They do every other Wednesday dinners and they fall on the weeks opposite of their every other Friday over-night stays with their Mom.  It doesn't give me a lot of time to myself but it is a tiny little break. More importantly however, it's a chance for them to spend some time with their Mom.  I'm not a bitter person and I believe it's important crucial for the boys to have a happy and healthy relationship with their Mom.  This is a far from ideal situation and one that I would have never chosen for myself and the kids.  Some things however, are outside of one's control and all you can do is find the positive, pick…

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Maggie’s got a clean bill of health

Maggie had what was believed to be a cancerous tumor removed from her leg about a week and a half ago.  The surgery went well and she has recovered nicely.  This morning, she went in for her followup appointment and to get her stitches removed.  Thankfully, she has a clean bill of health and is healed from her surgery.  I'm pretty grateful for that because she's such a huge part of our lives and we love her tremendously.... ☺


Maggie gets her stitches removed this morning

It's a packed house today with both boys being home from school.  The benadryl seems to be helping and they are slowly feeling better as the day goes on.  Perhaps it was more allergy related? Either way,  they will have to come with me to get Maggie's stitches out.  I can't put this off any longer and it's already been rescheduled once.  Taking them will prove challenging but that challenge aside, it will bring Maggie's cancer scare to a close for the time being and some closure for the kids.  We just need to make sure we watch for more tumors going forward.  I'm already in need of a nap and it isn't even lunch time yet...  lol