Never doubt the seriousness or incapacitating nature of sensory processing disorder 

We've had two meltdown moments today.  The first one was from this morning and it was massive. The second one was a after school, while at the store and it was not quite as bad. This morning's meltdown was over shoes and socks.  Part of the issue was that Emmett was up since about 3am and was exhausted. This tends to exacerbate the symptoms butake no mistake, this is something we have to contend with, every single day. Unfortunately, this morning, he just couldn't tolerate shoes or socks and it took forever to help him work through it.  I promised him that if he at least tried, we would get donuts on the way to school tomorrow. That didn't really help a whole lot but it was something for him…


Some really good news on the medication front

 Awhile ago I told you how we had to switch pharmacies. Our insurance company dropped coverage with Walgreens and so we had to move to a new Pharmacy. We originally began the move because of the issues we were having with Gavin's meds getting screwed up so often.   The new Pharmacy has a way of dispensing the meds where they are broken up into the morning, afternoon, evening and bedtime then vacuum-sealed in a little package.  This means that there's one pack for morning meds and one packet for bedtime meds. This makes it so much easier especially when you're managing so many different medications at one time. Unfortunately, when the boxes get set up, it takes some time to get everything worked out.  This is because they have…


I don’t even know where to start

Emmett had the hardest time sleeping last night. I'm going to skip the pleasantries and get right to the point.   Elliott woke me up around 3am because apparently, Emmett had woken up and decided to screw this plastic nut on his index finger.  The only reason he was able to get it on was because it's threaded on the inside.   I don't know what he was thinking but he screwed this thing over his knuckle, which couldn't have been easy or comfortable.  By the time they came and got us, his poor little finger was swollen purple.   We had to do a 3am emergency removal of this stupid and it wasn't easy or pleasant. That said, I did manage to get it removed.  Unfortunately, Emmett and Elliott…


I’m determined to make the best of today 

I don't think we have anything going on today, aside from the kids at school and Lizze at her night class.   I'm hoping to get some work done and maybe hit the treadmill if I'm feeling up to it.   There's quite a few things that I have to figure out, none of which are easy but they need my attention.  It's been really hard for me to focus on many of these things because I'm so overwhelmed right now.   Anyway, I'm really determined to make the best of today because....well, just because.... ☺ 


A massive and important update on the current state of Gavin’s mental health care

Disclaimer: I'm venting/ranting about the current debacle that is Gavin's mental healthcare. I'm really frustrated, angry and overwhelmed by all of this because there's so much at stake. When you read this, keep in mind that I'm experiencing all these emotions and this is my way of sharing our story but also processing all this as well.  I heard back from the nurse at Gavin's psychiatrist's office this afternoon and we had respectful but totally unproductive conversation.   This was one of those conversations where I'm not sure if I'm more frustrated now than I was before but I think I am.  Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm more frustrated now.  After listening to what happened, this is what the nurse told me: I wish I could tell you that things…


It’s almost bedtime 

It's been a stressful afternoon and I'm counting the minutes until it's time for the kids to go to bed.   We got back from Dr. Pattie's office a short while ago and just finished dinner.   There's a few things to touch on tonight and I'll get to them in a little while.  Right now I just want to get the kids down for the night and catch my breath... 


Here’s what happened between last night and today in regards to Gavin’s psychiatrist 

I made the call to our child psychiatrist's office today.  I explained my frustration in regards to last night's debacle and did so in a very respectful way.   I really do find that the bees with honey approach works best in situations like this. At the same time, I was firm and stood my ground.  This kinds of stuff happens way too often anymore and with a child like Gavin, we need to actually see the doctor when we're scheduled to.  I also realized that there's actually probably some protocol for prescribing Clozapine that requires face time with the patient on a regular basis.  Anyway, someone is supposed to be calling me back shortly to sort through this and find a resolution.  A reader pointed out in a comment…


I had to practice some self-care today

I took a nap while Gavin was sleeping off his infusion and morning meds. Lizze was at an appointment and I being totally exhausted, I wasn't really doing any good for anyone.   I'm still tired but I'm in a better headspace and that's important...  The boys will be coming home soon and I still have a few things to do before that time.   Taking a nap today was vital self-care and while it did take time away from what I was doing, taking care of myself is of equal importance.