This is an unbelievably busy week

It's going to be a seriously busy week and it's going to involve a great deal of driving. Elliott has an appointment at Akron Children's Hospital in the morning. This is for a medication check with the behavioral health center. The drive will likely be longer than the actual appointment but it is what it is. On Wednesday, I'll be returning to Akron Children's Hospital again, this time with Gavin. He's got a follow up with gastroenterology. We've been waiting for this and I need to make this happen. On Thursday, Lizze has an appointment in the morning and on Friday, I'm back at Akron Children's Hospital once more for the boys. This is just a regular thing with their pediatrician. It's not a big deal but we still have…


Here’s what we learned about the mass in Gavin’s forearm and what we’re doing next

Gavin did pretty good at his appointment today. The nurse came in and did the whole vitals thing. She gathered information and while she was doing so, we noticed a previously unnoticed, second mass. The new one in on Gavin's neck and he was not happy. This is when Gavin began to get agitated and upset. He started to have a meltdown but we were able to get things under control within a few minutes. The doctor examined the mass on Gavin's right forearm. She looked at it for quite sometime. It's one of those things where she can't say there's nothing to worry about and likewise, can't say this is serious and needs to addressed right away. She doesn't know what to think of it. We are also aware…