Rough Night

We all had a great day yesterday but it might have been a bit too exciting for Elliott. Elliott and Emmett were both bouncing off the walls last night and we had a terrible time settling them down. Bedtime was quite difficult because they were so overstimulated by all the excitement. It was so bad that Elliott never fell asleep last night. He tried and was on Melatonin but he was too amped up to shutdown. I was up with him until almost 4 AM but finally passed out shortly after. It's going to be a really long day because Elliott will likely have a rough day because he's beyond tired. Thankfully, he's in a decent mood. I suppose it's all about the little things today..


Here’s what we decided in regards to the boys running today

A few things have changed since my last post. (See here) We've found Elliott's pants, which is a good thing regardless, but it means he has something to wear to run in. Elliott has lots of pants but only one pair of wind pants cause he doesn't like wearing them. Anyway, the weather is still crappy but the boys are really motivated to push through this and frankly, I don't want to stand in their way. At this point in time, we look to arrive for the race at 1PM and meet everyone who's coming to cheer them on. One of the concerns we had when this race first came up was letting the boys run without one of us being there with them. There are a million things that…


I’m so fricking stressed out this morning

The boys are supposed to be in a run this afternoon and I'm not sure what we're doing at this point. It's currently 40°F and it's been raining all night. The roads are drying up at this point but it's still very cold out. Everything was free so it's not like we're losing any money. I'm worried for a couple reasons. Emmett doesn't like getting his feet wet Emmett will only wear crocs and no socks It's cold, cloudy and raining on and off Elliott cannot find his wind pants If Emmett's feet get wet, it's going to get ugly There are a few people coming with us and I don't want to cancel at the last minute because we're holding out hope for something that's not practical At the…


The boys are running in their 1st race today

The boys will be participating in a kids run this afternoon. It's a little less than two miles but it's perfect for kids. My sister is going to run it with them and we will be there to cheer them on as they cross the finish line. This is just the first of at least two runs they're going to be doing between now and the end of the summer. The only thing that will interfere with this is if it rains and it's supposed to rain. As much as they want to do this, they hate getting wet even more.. 😁


I’m so proud – Check out the awards my kids earned at school

I want to take a minute and share some awesome achievements the boys have made in school. We have reached the end of the grading period and awards have been given out. They have a little awards ceremony but parents aren't allowed to be there. That's sucks cause I'd love to be present. Anyway, both Elliott and Emmett have done great. Lizze and I couldn't be any prouder of them. Check out the awards below. ☺ Click the image below to open the gallery... ☺ [foogallery id="79001"]


A MAJOR Victory flew under the radar yesterday

Yesterday was a rather challenging day for me personally, but I muddled my way through it. In all the frustration, stress and otherwise chaotic events of yesterday, something didn't get mentioned that should have. For years we've struggled with Elliott and homework. It didn't matter what it was or how much he had, it was a nightmare. There were plenty of times I was hanging on by a thread because the whole homework thing was too much. I don't know what happened or when it actually began but Elliott's attitude towards homework has changed. He does his homework right away and without issue. In fact, lately he's been working on his homework on the way home from school, like you see in the picture above. This deserves to be mentioned…