We’re seeing a significant increase in #Meltdowns

There's so much going on in my life and it's becoming more and more difficult to write about it because it's exhausting. I keep thinking about doing more vlogger type things but I don't know. Anyway, Elliott's going through a very, very, very difficult time. The teenage years aren't easy for any kid to deal with but factoring in things like Autism, ADHD or Anxiety and life becomes truly difficult. Elliott is absolutely the sweetest kid in the world and he always has been but he's also struggling more and more. We spoke with Dr. Pattie about this again on Tuesday and from where I sit, I'm not even sure Elliott knows why he's so miserable. He'll rattle off things that are upsetting him but it just doesn't seem to…

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It’s already overwhelming

The boys got off to school this morning without too much hassle. Emmett however, is very clearly distressed by all the changes to his routine and schedule. We're seeing tummy aches and nightmares again already. He loves school but at the same time, it's very stressful for him. When Emmett gets stressed out, he doesn't cope well with the world around him. Coping with the world at large can be difficult for any kid with Autism and Emmett is no exception. We're seeing an increase in meltdowns and he can go from zero to full on freak out in nothing flat. It's stressful for those around him but it's especially true for Emmett because he's the one experiencing this high level of distress first hand. As an example, it wasn't…


A chaotic but successful morning

It was a somewhat chaotic morning but we got out the door and off to the first day or school without too many problems. Emmett was clearly very anxious to get to school on time and by contrast, Elliott was more relaxed on the outside but anxious on the inside. Anyway, we had a successful morning and the boys are now safely back in school.

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We had orientation tonight

Orientation went great tonight. We were there for all of about thirty minutes in total, but it was a quality thirty minutes. ☺ Anyway, we met the boys teachers, most we knew already but some we met for the first time. There are some cool changes this school year, the biggest being that they will have martial arts every day. Emmett's loving that. Elliott, not so much. I feel like we're in a good place to start the school year. I'm not sure what how things will actually pan out but I feel comfortable that the kids are comfortable. Emmett's a bit nervous but he's also very excited. Elliott's just excited, at least on the surface. He may be nervous on the inside and we just don't know it yet.…


That would have been a problem

I'm not sure what we were thinking but it turns out that school begins on the 21st and not the 27th. I found that out this morning when I called to double check with the school. Apparently, orientation is on Monday and Tuesday is the first day back. We were totally planning on the 27th and turns out that would have been a problem. 😁 The boys are excited and for the most part, even have the same teachers as last year. That's a relief because switching teachers is always a very stressful thing for my kids. I think that's actually pretty common for kids with Autism. Anyway, we're going to have to figure some things out because we now have less time to prepare. While I will miss the…

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The lowdown on today’s doctors appointments

Both Elliott and Emmett had appointments this morning with their pediatrician. This was a regular well-check and an ADHD follow-up as well. Elliott was really anxious because he knew he needed a vaccine. Turns out he needed two vaccines, meningitis and HPV. The HPV was the final in a series of three and the meningitis is required by the school now. Anyway, Emmett's appointment went well and it was quickly over. Elliott's was more complicated because we're dealing with several things that need considerably more attention and follow-up. We bumped up Elliott's antidepressant a little but because he's really struggling and that was his psychologists suggestion but we've exceeded the limits of his pediatricians comfort level in regards to managing his mental health medication. Thankfully, I was able to call…


It looks like he’s going to be diagnosed with #Bipolar disorder

Lizze and I have begun accepting the reality of something we wish we wouldn't have to. That reality is the likelihood that Elliott will be diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. Elliott had some testing done eariler in the week at his physiologist appointment and it came back with a high likelihood of Bipolar disorder. That in combination with patterns of behavior over a very long period of time, and it looks like we may have to begin accepting the reality that Elliott has Bipolar Disorder. When I say accept the reality, I'm simply mean that in the sense that we don't want this for him. The fact that he likely has Bipolar disorder doesn't change him in our eyes at all. It does explain many of the behavioral challenges we face,…


We’re beginning a new journey with one of our kids

I haven't spoken about this in awhile but we are very likely beginning a new journey. Frankly, it's something that I have been desperately trying to avoid for a number of reasons, one of them being I simply didn't want to face it. That journey is exploring the possibility of Elliott being bipolar. He's on the shortlist for this to begin with, and the generic history is definitely there on both sides of the family as well. I've spoken about these concerns in the past but we were taking a wait and see approach. Unfortunately, its become more of a concern as more and more behaviors bubble to the surface. The problem is finding a qualified psychiatrist in the area or even outside the area. It's nearly impossible because there…

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