Why I had a rough night

It was a rough night, because Elliott was never able to fall asleep. He had sort of a trying day, and was too wired to fall asleep. Mind you, this was on Melatonin, and his nightly Benadryl for allergies.  As a result, I didn't get much sleep, because while the cameras monitor their movements, I don't like going to bed while the boys are awake.  Anyway, this has me running short on both energy, and patience today.  Mr. Emmett is in a foul mood today, and that doesn't come as too much of a surprise. I was hoping today would be better for him, but clearly that's not the case.  We ended up having a last minute appointment this morning, and after which, I want to take the boys to…


Why my kids with #Autism hate the dentist

We survived another trip to the dentist, with two of our kids with Autism. Part of the problem with dentists, and at least my kids on the spectrum, is sensory in nature.  There are so many strange smells, sounds, tastes, and even lighting at the dentist office. That alone can take a toll on a kid with sensory issues.  Then you need to factor in anxiety, and someone shoving fingers in their mouth, with scary tools. In many ways, that's a perfect sensory nightmare, worthy of Stephen King.  As far as today went, once we arrived in the waiting room, Elliott was really upset. He was scared, and it was made worse by the fact that he had to wait about twenty minutes before being called back. Anxiety is not…


Thank God for cooperation 

We're getting ready to leave for the dentist, and I'm super grateful for the good mood the boys are in. Everything is easier with cooperation. ☺  I do want to mention Elliott, because I'm extremely proud of him this morning.  Elliott seriously dislikes all things doctor related, and suffers from extreme levels of anxiety when he knows he has an appointment. This morning however, he's doing really well. He knows he has to get a filling, and he's not putting up a fuss about going.  I'm super impressed, and very proud of him. ☺ 


I have bad news and good news – Which do you want first? 

The boys are going to the dentist today. Originally, Lizze had class, and my Mom was going with me, but that's changed. Due to a temporary, but frustrating insurance issue, Lizze will not be in class today.  Part of me is upset because I know how important it is for her to be there, but the other part of me is all like, thank God because both boys are having work done at the same time, on opposite ends of the office, and I'm only one person.  My Mom was going to go, but since Lizze will be home, she doesn't have to anymore.  I don't know how much experience any of you have with Autistic kids and the dentist, but it's not always a good combination to say the…


We are facing a tough decision – What would you do? 

Later on this afternoon, we are supposed to travel to Y-Town. We are having a big family cookout for my Grandma's birthday. We are all pretty excited about going, because it's been awhile since we've been able to visit.  Unfortunately, we aren't sure whether or not we should go now.  On Friday, Gavin puked while at his Grandma's house. He says he's fine now, but we have to go by his behavior, and not his words. He spent a large part of the day sleeping, and that's a bit odd. He's also running a mild fever as well. He did have his IVIG infusion on Friday night, and perhaps it's still his body reacting to that. The other possibility is that he's actually fighting something off.  Next we have Mr.…


Trying to stay 1 step ahead of the next meltdown

Summer break hasn't been going so well. I know it's really only been two days, but those two days have been completely filled with meltdowns.  Elliott struggled a great deal yesterday, for reasons I never learned. It may simply be a transition thing, but you might not believe how bad some of these meltdowns were. Emmett had his fair share yesterday as well,!  This morning, Emmett is in rare form. He's been screaming for about two hours now.  We were supposed to walk the track this morning, but Emmett is refusing to go. I realize that allowing him to dictate what we do is not a good thing. At the same time, I'm not a masochist. Taking him to walk the track would be a disaster. I'd end up carrying him,…

Read more about the article Who gets sick on the last day of school?
Who gets sick on the last day of school? Today is the last day of school for this school year. Unfortunately, I'm currently awake with Mr. Elliott, because he's feeling very nauseated, and can't sleep. I should have seen this coming because he went to bed with a relatively low grade fever. Lizze and I were going to see how he was doing in the morning before deciding on whether he would see his last day of school or not. Considering he's on the couch in the living room, hugging a laundry basket with a trash bag in it, I'm thinking he's going to miss the last day of school. What remains to be seen is how Emmett is feeling in the morning. He's beginning a fever cycle again, and he was almost sent home the other day because of a fever. This wouldn't be the first time that the boys have missed the last day of school, due to being sick...

Who gets sick on the last day of school?

Today is the last day of school for this school year. Unfortunately, I'm currently awake with Mr. Elliott, because he's feeling very nauseated, and can't sleep. I should have seen this coming because he went to bed with a relatively low grade fever. Lizze and I were going to see how he was doing in the morning before deciding on whether he would see his last day of school or not. Considering he's on the couch in the living room, hugging a laundry basket with a trash bag in it, I'm thinking he's going to miss the last day of school. What remains to be seen is how Emmett is feeling in the morning. He's beginning a fever cycle again, and he was almost sent home the other day because…