Guess who didn’t go to school this morning 

Just a quick update to let you all know that Elliott is home from school today. He's running a fever and not feeling well. Emmett did end up at school, but not without some serious convincing.  My Mom was kind enough to get Emmett to school, despite his efforts to stay home, because he didn't want to go alone.  Elliott's spent the day resting, and his fever is going down. Gavin's spent the entire day in his room, doing things with his team of super best friends. I guess there must have been many things to do in the Super Robot (Gavin's base of operations).  Lizze will be home shortly, in theory. There are some traffic things slowing that process down a bit.  I will pick up Emmett and bring…


Please keep Elliott in your thoughts and prayers 

The boys came home for their Grandparents house, after a fun overnight visit. When Elliott walked in the door, I knew something was wrong when I say his face.  He looked pale and somewhat disoriented.  He kept saying he was okay, but it wasn't very convincing. I gave him a little bit to settle in and then I took his temperature. Unfortunately, my instincts we right and he was running a relatively high fever.  Both he and Emmett went to bed without a problem.  After a few hours, he woke up and came downstairs because he couldn't go back to sleep. He and I ended up camping out in the living room, because he was more comfortable in the couch.  The other benefit is that if he were to get…


It’s a really big day for our #Autism family

I'm really looking forward to today. Not only is this the last day of the second to last day of school, but it's martial arts promotion. Both Elliott and Emmett have been anxiously awaiting today.  This is always a really cool experience, except it's unbearably hot in the dojo, and there are a lot of heavy, heavy smokers. Obviously, no one's smoking inside but you can still smell it, and it's horrible.  Aside from that, the only downside is that Elliott's promotion is first thing in the morning and Emmett's is towards the end of the day.  Typically, they have always been one after the other. This time however, there's roughly four hours between them. I guess we will have to go home and grab lunch or something. 😁  Anyway,…


2 shits and a flying fuck

I've been in an awesome mood all day, but I have one pubecent pre-teen who's been copping a major attitude lately. I haven't talked about this much because..... Truthfully, I don't know why I haven't talked about this.  For all the Autism related challenges I face on a daily basis, sometimes life sprinkles some more typical problems in as well, just for fun.  Puberty is apparently one of those things.  Lizze and I have been dealing with horrible attitude and lots of mood swings. This is part of the reason that we are watching for signs of Bipolar disorder. The mood swings are especially difficult, but the attitude is a close second.  Just to be clear, no one's labeling him with anything other than annoying pre-teen behavior however, there is…


You might not believe this

In what can only be called a miraculous turn of events, both boys are in school today. 😁  There was some struggle in regards to lunches, but we did finally get out the door. We even got to school a bit early, and I was able to speak with the principal, as well as Emmett's teachers.  We addressed the whole breaking pencils thing, and was comforted by hearing from several of the staff members that his non-uniform shirt was okay.  After dropping the boys off and dealing with each of their problems/concerns, Gavin and I went walking.  I'm feeling pretty amazing today and really enjoyed walking. 


Emotional distress

Sunday was a tough day for Elliott. He's been struggling emotionally for awhile. We're working with Dr. Pattie to help him, but he's in a place where I'm not sure how to get through to him.  Much of what is eating him alive is in regards to school. He likes school but he's extremely frustrated with the behaviors of some of his classmates. Frankly, it sounds very much like typical stupid kid antics, and I've explained that to Elliott.  At the same time, some of what is upsetting him is actionable and I need to look into it.  Apparently, one of the kids sitting next to Elliott enjoys breaking pencils and has broken all fifteen of Elliott's new pencils. According to Elliott, he's approached his teachers and they haven't done…


Guess where the boys went on their field trip

This will be super quick.  I wanted to share that the boys both went to the Akron Zoo yesterday with their school. They both had a great time and Elliott couldn't even remember how many animals he saw.  Emmett really loved the underwater slide that runs through the otter habit. The otters would follow him as he went down the slide.  Elliott's teacher snapped a picture for Lizze and I. It was while he was standing by the otter exhibit. He wanted the picture because the otter is Lizze's favorite animal in the world.  They both arrived home safely, after having a good time.  Elliott was upset on the bus ride home, but I explained that in the previous post.