Pictures from Easter 2016

I just wanted to leave a real quick note and then share some pictures from Easter.   What began as a really rough morning for me, turned into a pretty decent day overall. The boys did great at Easter dinner and honestly, I don't think I could have asked for better behavior. I pretty much kept to myself a bit because I needed some space to sorta deal with the holiday and the emotional difficulties it presents for me.. I did okay though and we spent most of the afternoon there. It's not like I was a total recluse or anything.  I mean, I did visit and hang out with everyone.  Like I said, I just needed time to work through some things, while the kids were otherwise occupied. It…


Family Time: I took the boys on an awesome hike today (pt2 with pictures)

In this 2nd half of my post, I'll share some of the interesting and scary a things that took place during the second half of our hike. To see the original post, click here. This hike took us down part of the red track, along the train tracks, across 3 bridges, along side the Pro Football Hall of Fame and through a heavily wooded area where most of our hiking took place. We ended up stopping a couple of times for short breaks but these guys did the entire hike without any help. During our time in the woods, we had a really close encounter with 2 deer.  They walked right by us and let us get a really close look at them.  We were able to watch them for…


Family Time: I took the boys on an awesome hike today (pt1 with pictures)

Click here for part 2 Being an Autism parent isn't easy.  I'm pretty sure I've covered that many times already but in case you missed all those posts, Autism parenting isn't easy.  Great, now we're all on the same page, we can move forward.  ☺ I've learned over the years that while I can't control what my kids like and don't like, I can have a smidgen of influence, if I frame everything in a certain way.  In other words, it's all about the presentation. It's been tough to get the boys motivated to walk the track.  Gavin does awesome but Elliott and Emmett haven't really wanted anything to do with it for awhile now. One lap around the track is 1.51 miles. Trying to get them to make it…


Just another day in #Autism Parenting paradise (check out the pictures)

The boys are all in bed now but Emmett's not sleeping yet.  I'm finally able to relax enough to get some writing done and play catchup on a few things before I turn in for the night. If feel like today was pretty okay. The boys did awesome at school and had a blast at their school Easter egg hunt. Everyone got where they needed to go and I was able to get some necessary Easter shopping done before the boys came home. I'm still not used to doing this alone and it does make me sad but I will not let that ruin our Easter.  The boys deserve it and so do I. I was feeling so good tonight that I cooked pancakes for dinner.  Elliott's been asking for them…


Peek into our life and see how this #Autism family’s crazy ass day went (tons of pictures)

It's been a really long day and I'm absolutely exhausted from it.  In anticipation of being this exhausted, I made sure to take lots of pictures throughout the day to help give you some insight into all that we experienced. Here's the rundown from today... Gavin had therapy this morning and once again kicked ass.  We got home from that and I got some work done while Gavin slept off his morning meds. After lunch, Gavin and I went out to pick up Emmett from school and head to both his and Gavin's afternoon therapies.  Unfortunately, about 30 seconds before we turned into the school parking lot, I got a call from said school telling me that Emmett was running a fever and needs to be picked up. It really happened…


The 33 Best Autism Memes of All Time

On days when things are really challenging, I really try to see the positive or at the very least, maintain a sense of humor. There are times when I read a quote or stumble across an Autism meme and it can really improve my mood. With that in mind, I wanted to share the 33 best Autism memes of all time. That's just me opinion anyway.


Here’s what a family therapy session looks like for myself and the boys

Today was a mishmash of many different things.  All the therapies from today were canceled as a result of Emmett's fever.  Dr. Pattie is a bit different, and so we made it to that. She's known Emmett since before he was born and understands about the fevers. I suppose the main focus of this post will be on the therapy session with Dr. Pattie. It has occurred to me that in all the years I've been writing, I've never really talked about what happens during on of these therapy sessions.  Frankly, we've been going every week since before Elliott or Emmett was born and so it's become just one of those things I rarely think much about because I'm so used to it. When the boys and I arrive, we usually…