Just another day in #Autism Parenting paradise (check out the pictures)

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  • Post last modified:April 6, 2018

The boys are all in bed now but Emmett’s not sleeping yet.  I’m finally able to relax enough to get some writing done and play catchup on a few things before I turn in for the night.

If feel like today was pretty okay.

The boys did awesome at school and had a blast at their school Easter egg hunt.

Everyone got where they needed to go and I was able to get some necessary Easter shopping done before the boys came home.

I’m still not used to doing this alone and it does make me sad but I will not let that ruin our Easter.  The boys deserve it and so do I.

I was feeling so good tonight that I cooked pancakes for dinner.  Elliott’s been asking for them forever but we’ve been out of mix.  I grabbed some while at the store today and wanted to surprise him.

Of course, he barely ate even one but it was nice to see him smile.

We spent some time this evening without tablets or TV and instead played games. Actually, we only played UNO and not everyone was a willing participant but everyone played..  ☺

In order to be fair, after our game of UNO, we all settled in for some Minecraft together over WiFi..  We build a world,  then set the monsters free and try to survive as a family. It’s our own little zombie apocalypse and it’s killer fun.

Before bed, we all spent some fine with the crazy ferrets and that’s always a blast.

Zane, our albino ferret, and the baby, took a spill off the couch, hurting his leg.  By take a spill, I mean he ran as fast as he could and jumped into the air like he was expecting to fly.  It was funny until he wasn’t using his front right leg.

Poor Elliott was hysterically sobbing because he was so worried about Zane but I explained that these guys are tough and he probably just needed to take a break.. He wasn’t in any pain, he was just not wanting to put weight on the leg.

Zane ended up being just fine and now he knows that he can’t fly…  ☺

Everyone went to bed and aside from Emmett, everyone is fast asleep.  Emmett just can’t sleep again tonight.  At least he’s in bed, quietly entertaining himself.

I’ll probably go draw pictures on his back until he falls asleep… 💙 

Today’s has truly been another day in Autism parenting paradise…  ☺

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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