Here’s what happened at the boys immunologist appointment yesterday

I was so distracted by the events of yesterday that I failed to share how the actual appointment went for both Elliott and Gavin.  The good news is that both boys are doing really well.  Elliott was there for a food allergy and asthma follow up. His asthma is very much under control and he did quite well in his peak flow testing. There's not really much to be done with his food allergy because we avoid almonds all together and so there really isn't any point in blood work.     Elliott was so anxious that our Doctor simply said that when he's ready to find out if he's still allergic to almonds, we can do blood work. Until that time, we just stay the course.  She's very good with the…


Gavin’s got me really worried tonight and here’s why

The fact that I'm worried about Gavin, shouldn't be too surprising to anyone. When it comes to Gavin, there's so much to worry about and very little that can actually be done.   What I'm about to share is just the latest concerning thing he's done.  Tonight while he was brushing his teeth, he got the sink all messy and was just going to leave it that way.     I looked at him and asked him if he was going to leave the sink like that? I sorta got the deer in the headlights stare before he apologized and tried to rinse the sink out.  Why is that concerning you may be asking? It seems likes a perfectly reasonable response, I know.  It's not what he said that worries me but…


My son with #Autism reads the first two chapters of the new book he’s writing 

This morning, Gavin read the first two chapters of the new book he's working on, live via Periscope.  You can watch the archived video from the live feed on my Videos page. You can also follow me on Periscope by looking up @the_autism_dad. This has been a really positive experience for Gavin and he did really awesome.     


I have the first of three IEP meetings this morning O_o

This morning I will be dropping the boys off at school and then heading across town to the high school for an IEP meeting.  I'm not super excited about this but it's important to make the best of it.  The school terminated the online program that Gavin was involved with last year and I'm not sure what we are going to do this year.  There are some tough decisions that will need to be made and none of them appear to be easy at this point.   I'll let you know how it goes.     


Gavin started crying today because he’s afraid to live in our neighborhood 

First of all, the boys and I have started using Periscope to live broadcast moments in our life. We figure that maybe people can learn something or perhaps we can help someone.  Out of nowhere today, Gavin became hysterical after he asked to take the trash out.  He came back in the house, went upstairs to his room and started freaking out. When I asked him what was wrong, he said that while he was taking out the trash, he couldn't stop thinking about someone sneaking up on him and pulling a gun.  This sorta came out of nowhere but at the same time, he been indicating that he's uncomfortable in our neighborhood since the hostage crisis a couple of months ago.     I tried to talk to him about it…


I received some bad news about Gavin and school

I spoke with the IEP coordinator at Gavin's high school about what we were going to be doing for Gavin this year.  She informed me that they terminated the online program that Gavin used last year for school.  She explained their reasons and while the reasons make sense, this will a problem for Gavin.  Gavin really isn't capable of learning in the capacity that he will be required to if we do a more traditional home education.  I'm a bit worried about how this will play out.  Physically attending school is an impossibility for him for a million physical and emotional health reasons.  I'm seriously concerned about what our options are going to be. At this point, Gavin turns 16 in a few months and if I'm not mistaken, I…


Gavin’s IVIG Infusion isn’t going so well for him

Gavin's IVIG Infusion is not going well for him. He keeps having to go to the bathroom and one of the two lines, isn't really moving.  In having him stay in his room because it's close to the bathroom.  Keeping him in his room was necessary because he'd already fallen up the stairs while racing to the bathroom a little bit ago. It's simply too dangerous.     I just want to get him through this and out the other end of the tunnel in one piece.


Here’s what happened at the pediatrician yesterday 

I had to get Gavin into the pediatrician yesterday afternoon because of his bladder problems.  First of all, it needs to be understood that Gavin's ability to tell me things like how he's feeling, pain levels, how often he goes potty or anything about potty issues for that matter, is significantly hindered by cognitive/developmental issues.  Having said that, he's been having bladder issues since he restarted the Clozapine last year.  My understanding was that he had very frequent and sudden urges to pee. That's what I've witnessed and he's been able to explain.  Yesterday he informed me that most of the time when he tries to pee, nothing comes out.  That new information may or may not be reliable because it comes from Gavin and he just really struggles with…