What it means to be a father and why I adopted my son

A good portion of you probably don't know this because I don't advertise it, but exactly 11 years ago today, my life changed forever. Shortly before lunch on October 22, 2008, I stood before Judge Dixie Park, sobbing like a baby, barely able to mutter a word, as I officially adopted Gavin. He didn't understand what was going on, but Lizze and I certainly did. For those who don't know, Gavin is Lizze's son from her first marriage. I've been raising him as my own since he was just over a year old. Every year I share the letter I wrote the judge, explaining who I was, who Gavin was, and why I wanted to adopt him. I'll let the letter speak for itself. Have a great night.. ☺ October…


Celebrating forward progress

This is not proving to be a good day and we have a tremendous amount that still needs done. I'll talk about that a bit later. Right now I want to focus on Mr. Gavin for a minute. First of all, he's having a really good morning and that's always a good thing. Second, he's putting on a bit of desperately needed weight. That's incredibly positive. ☺ Gavin has always struggled with situational awareness. He's always struggled with being aware of his surroundings. It's definitely a problem and it frequently leads to him hurting himself or breaking something. Since Gavin got his phone, he pretty much always had his headphones on, which is fine. The problem arises when he's walking from place to place, whether inside the house or away…


A super quick but important Clozapine update

A quick follow up on the status of Gavin's Clozapine prescription. I had mentioned last week that we were trying to get his Clozapine script approved for a 14 day supply at a time. Gavin's numbers have been stable for the last 6 months and he's eligible to move to the new script. We just needed to make sure the powers that be approved it. His refill arrived late last week and to my dismay, it was only a 7 day supply. It took a few calls to get through to the pharmacy and when I did, I questioned them about the script. Turns out, they simply filled the wrong on and going forward, they will try to fill for the 14 day supply. This of course assumes that it…


In other news

In other news, Gavin's IVIG Infusion went well. I'm still batting a thousand in the IVIG infusions that don't leak category. Gavin's happy and it also means less pain for him as well. His infusion went pretty quick today. It took less than an hour in total and that's always a good thing. Sometimes it can take four hours or more and that makes him very anxious. Today's infusion was a success and I think Gavin did a fantastic job.


Being a single Dad is not easy but we made some serious progress today

I know it's Monday and Mondays usually suck but I want to focus on some pretty amazing progress being made by one, Mr. Gavin. I'm so thankful to have my kids in my life every single day. Many single Dad's don't have that and I know how lucky I am. At the same time, it does present a few challenges that have forced me to make unwanted changes in my life. One of those challenges is that I can no longer go walking in the mornings like I have been for years. This impacts my health, both emotionally and physically, as well as my weightloss. The kids can't stay home alone for a multitude of reasons, and that means I have to take them with me, everywhere I go. It's…


There’s yet another snag in getting Gavin’s meds refilled and I’m seriously frustrated

Gavin had his blood work done first thing Monday morning. The lab has had almost four days to run them and fax the results to the pharmacy. They have yet to do so. Mind you, this is a stat order meaning it's a priority and should be completed the same morning. Unfortunately, getting the lab to fax the results has been an exercise in futility. This time however, it wouldn't have mattered anyway because the new script never came through correctly and had to be resent this afternoon. Hopefully, everything will be in order for a afternoon delivery today. At this point, I still don't know if the updated script will even be approved. Gavin's had six months of good numbers and that's makes him eligible for a 14 day…

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If you looked up selfless in the dictionary, you’d see this kid

Gavin's getting a promotion of sorts, at least it feels that way to him. He had his blood work done on Monday as he usually does, but this time it's a bit different. Rather than requiring blood work every week and only receiving 7 days worth of Clozapine, he's moving to blood work every 2 weeks and a 14 day supply of Clozapine at a time. This means that his numbers have been stable for at least 6 months. This also assumes the powers that be will allow the change. Everything has been submitted and I don't foresee it being an issue. Gavin is very excited. It doesn't necessarily change a whole lot for him but he goes from blood work every week to only needing it every other week.…


He cleans up well

Gavin shaves his head and he has for years. He likes it but it also makes hygiene much easier for him as well. I cut Gavin's hair before he went to see his mom and go to the birthday party this past Saturday. All I'm going to say is, he cleans up well, doesn't he.. ☺ ♥