This is just 1 example of why being an #Autism parent is so exhausting

Today's been a nightmare. I didn't sleep last night and that certainly doesn't help things at all. Gavin had a doctor's appointment this morning, right after the kids needed to be at school. Unfortunately, Emmett woke up with a tummy ache, which usually is the result of some underlying stress. It's nearly impossible to weed through everything with him and figure out what's going on beneath the surface because he struggles with self-awareness. What I mean by that and perhaps I used the wrong term, is that he's not able to tell you what's upsetting him, how he's feeling or what he needs, especially when he's upset. It's very challenging because Emmett is can be very insightful when it comes to other people and their feelings but he's often unable…


One less thing to worry about

Right after getting the boys to school this morning, Lizze and I will be taking Gavin to his psychiatrist. This should be just a follow up and the fact it's so close to his hematology appointment is purely coincidence. On the plus side, we'll be able to talk about what we learned while it's still fresh on my mind. This should put to rest our current concerns over the Clozapine, at least for now. With a medication like Clozapine, you can't let your guard down and you must remain vigilant with things like bloodwork. We basically learned that the side effects of Clozapine, specifically in regards his ANC dropping, isn't as big of concern as we originally thought. This takes a little pressure off because at this point in time,…


I made more weight loss progress today

For the past few days, it's been raining here in Northeast Ohio. The old me would have used that as an excuse to stay home and not go walking. The new me still wasn't excited about the idea of walking in the rain but I did anyway. This morning it was in the 50's (°F) and the rain made a chilly walk but I went. I keep seeing progress and that helps to keep me going. When I stood on the scale this morning, I saw the number 305 staring up at me. I'm officially down 35 lbs over the last six months or so. Slow and steady but sustainable. ☺ I'll probably be walking in the rain again today, depending on how hard it's raining. Anyway, I hope all…

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Making the best out of what we got even when it isn’t much

Interesting morning so far today. Lizze didn't sleep at all last night because she battles with insomnia when the weather rolls in like it has. Her pain greatly increases when we have things like barometric changes. As you can see below, the weather hasn't been fibro friendly. Emmett isn't feeling too well either and he's curled up on the couch next to Lizze, sipping Ginger ale, trying not to puke. Elliott's been a bit anti-social this morning and has been in his room working on Minecraft. I joke about the anti-social thing but he's at the age, even with Autism, that he spends time away from everyone else. Fun fact - being Autistic doesn't preclude you from going through normal teenage stages. They simy tend to be more extreme and…


I’m a freshwater fish in a saltwater tank

I found myself really frustrated today and I'm not entirely sure why. Most of the time, I'm the odd man out in our house filled with Autism and truthfully, that can be difficult for me at times. It's like everyone around me is operating on the same operating system and I'm simply incompatible. That probably sounds harsher than I intend it to but this does create problems for me on an almost daily basis. Everyone else in the house struggles with sensory issues. Things like smells, sounds, lights, textures, tastes and even temperature are things that constantly influence behaviors. No one in my family aside from me, does well with any type of change. It doesn't matter if it's a change for the better or for the worse, because it…


As a general rule, I don’t apologize for any of my kids with #Autism but this is one exception

I mentioned in a previous post that something happened yesterday while at Gavin's hematology appointment. Akron Children's Hospital was great, they always are. You have to understand something before we go any further. This appointment took place where Gavin used to receive his IVIG infusions. We're very familiar with this place after years of visits. Gavin is a sweet kids and doesn't have a mean bone in his body. He would never intentionally try to hurt someone or say something that caused someone pain. Unfortunately, along with missing mean bones, he's also missing a filter. It's not uncommon for kids on the Autism spectrum to lack a verbal filter. They basically say it how it is, and are unburdened by things like inhibition. Typically, kids with Autism don't lie. They…


You may have noticed some changes around here

You may have noticed some changes to the site over the last couple of days. I'm pretty excited about these changes because some of them hold special meaning to me. The most obvious is the theme I'm using. I've been using the same theme for most of The Autism Dad's existence. Contrary to everyone in my house and a large portion of my readers, I like change. Sometimes I just need a change to help me keep moving forward. I know that change can upset some of you and I know this because I receive strongly worded emails, from very nice people with Autism, telling me that you're upset about the changes I make from time to time. I'm sorry if these recent changes have caused you any distress and…


I’m confused but ultimately relieved after our visit to @AkronChildrens Hospital today

Let me start out by saying that this was a very good appointment and I expect nothing less from Akron Children's Hospital. They've never let us down. ☺ It's not too often that we go to an appointment for Gavin and walk out with what amounts to good news. Today was very clearly the exception to that rule. I'll bottom line it for you and then talk about something that happened while we were there. We met the doctor and he was very soft spoken. He took a lore than reasonable amount of time, answering my questions. He looked over Gavin's labs and said that truthfully, his numbers look pretty good, even when we had thought they were pretty bad. That caught me off guard at first because we've believed…