I don’t know what to do anymore

This post was meant to publish last night but I ended up falling asleep. At this point I'm unsure of what we will be doing with Emmett today. I'm hoping to get him into the doctors if he's still not feeling well when he wakes up. The poor kid was up until almost 1 AM. What I do know for sure, is that our morning is busy already. Gavin will need his IVIG infusion first thing in the morning. He will also need his bloodwork done immediately after dropping the boys off at school. I'm really, really hoping that Emmett is feeling better and that he makes it to school. He's been keeping up with his makeup work and that's helps to keep him current. Regardless of how he's feeling…


I’m really getting worried about Emmett

Lizze and I have been working with Emmett to help him fall asleep tonight. He's not feeling good again and hasn't been able to fall asleep. I'm getting worried about Emmett because he's really struggling with these tummy aches. His pediatrician has checked him out on many occasions but found nothing. I think it's time to return to his Gastroenterologist. He hasn't had to go back since his food allergies cleared up but I think it's a good direction to go in. Emmett wants to go to school today but he's clearly struggling. I think I'm going to get him back into see his pediatrician ASAP. I tried calling last night but I can't schedule something until the morning. I wish I knew how to help him but I don't.…


Have I mentioned how much I literally hate homework? Can anyone relate to this story?

Emmett missed most of last week because he wasn't feeling well. I had work sent home for him to work on so he wasn't so overwhelmed when he hopefully returns on Monday. Emmett is crazy smart and way ahead of everyone else in his class, so homework is something that should come relatively easy for him. Sometimes it is and other times it's a fricking nightmare. One of the things that Autism has contributed to this mess, is a very literal interpretation of everything. Emmett interprets things in a very literal, incredibly ridged way. There's almost no way to help him work through anything, when he's literally interpretating things. An example that we are struggling with this morning is this. The instructions for a math problem he's stuck on went…

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I surprised the kids today

The boys have had a rough week and I wanted to do something nice with them. Lizze wasn't feeling well, so she stayed behind to get some rest. The boys and I ran a few errands before I decided to surprise them with Cici's Pizza for dinner. Cici's Pizza is pretty affordable, especially on limited funds. I just thought that they were a huge help today and really helped after I went grocery shopping. They brought in the groceries and helped me put them away. We ended up at Cici's Pizza and the boys loved it. We had a full Cici's punch card so it was insanely cheap. While we all missed Lizze, she needed her rest. The boys did well while we were their and I'm really prod of…


A MASSIVE and IMPORTANT Update for the last couple of days

Hey folks. It's been a couple days since I've written anything other than an update on my tumultuous relationship with Paxil and there's a good reason for that. That good reason is, I'm fucking miserable. I'm anxious, stressed, emotional, not sleeping, nauseated and freaking out. None of this is really new information because it's the same side effects I've been struggling with since I took my last dose of Paxil, exactly one week ago today. Rather than focus on my current disparity, I want to catch everyone up on some of the things I've been meaning to write about but haven't, because of the stuff in the previous two paragraphs. School Related It was a shorter school week because of teacher in-service and end of the quarter stuff. The kids…


Even Daddies make mistakes and need to apologize

Today was one of those days where I feel like a parenting failure. There wasn't one specific thing that contributed to me feeling like this but rather a culmination of things. The boys were being the boys. They were loud, hyper and testing my patience. Gavin was being Gavin and that means he was talking non-stop about his games or the games he's saving up for. He's become much more sensitive lately and he reacts to stress in a not so positive way. That is very frustrating for me. I just didn't have the patience that I should have had today. I was short with the kids on several occasions and I let their behavioral challenges get to me. No ones perfect, least of all me. I've had a difficult…

Read more about the article We have become quite fascinated by our fish tank
We have become quite fascinated by our fish tank As a family, we have become enamored with the fish and little creatures in our fresh-water tank. We almost spend more time staring into this glass cube of water, than we do watching TV. Anyway, the boys love watching the fish, shrimp, snails and crayfish do their thing. It's absolutely relaxing and is quite easy to manage. Lizze and I find ourselves sitting on the couch at night, watching all the activities going in this aquatic environment. If you don't have an aquarium, I highly recommend it. Instant stress relief..

We have become quite fascinated by our fish tank

We have become quite fascinated by our fish tank As a family, we have become enamored with the fish and little creatures in our fresh-water tank. We almost spend more time staring into this glass cube of water, than we do watching TV. Anyway, the boys love watching the fish, shrimp, snails and crayfish do their thing. It's absolutely relaxing and is quite easy to manage. Lizze and I find ourselves sitting on the couch at night, watching all the activities going in this aquatic environment. If you don't have an aquarium, I highly recommend it, especially if you have a kid with Autism or anxiety. Visit Aquariadise.com for an informative guide to choosing your first pet fish. Instant stress relief..


A major milestone in managing my #Depression

After roughly six years or so, I am saying goodbye to a medication that has been helping to manage my depression. It's been a three month long journey to withdrawal from Paxil, under medical supervision. The journey was a mixed bag of feeling like I was going to die and being okay. I took my last dose tonight and I feel really awesome about it. I'm hoping that as my body chemistry stabilizes, I continue managing my depression successfully between diet, exercise and the Fisher Wallace Stimulator. My next mission is to withdrawal from the Wellbutrin but I'm going to wait a bit and let the dust settle. Should this journey prove to difficult without medication, I'll revisit my decision to discontinue it. My doctor will help me find a…

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