We haven’t noticed any changes yet

Today was the first day that Gavin's Clozapine was reduced to 500 mg/day. Lizze and I haven't noticed any changes yet and that's to be expected. I believe Clozapine has a very short half-life, meaning it doesn't linger and needs constant maintenance doses. I would expect that if we are going to see any changes in behavior, we will see it over the next few days. If we don't see anything by the middle of next week, it's probably safe to say the reduced dose isn't negatively impacting his Schizophrenic symptoms. I've put my eggs in that basket because I'm not sure the Clozapine is doing anything anymore. Time will tell. Outside of that, the only issue Gavin was having today was pain in his legs. I'm not sure what that…


I’ve been so worried about Elliott not sleeping

We've had a pretty good morning. Elliott slept until about lunchtime, and that was awesome. We don't have any immediate plans for today, but maybe we'll get the kids to the playground again. I'm feeling much better after a brief power nap, and ready to take on the rest of the day. I've been so worried about Elliott not sleeping, and it's taken its toll. Hopefully, we're through this period of disturbed sleep and can return to a better, more healthy sleep cycle. :-)


Stir crazy, frustrated, and overwhelmed describes the day

It's the day before payday and we need to get a lot of things done tomorrow. The boys are going stir crazy because we don't have much gas to really go anywhere until tomorrow. I think what we're going to do is get everyone to the park and let them explore the creek. Elliott wants to find and study some salamanders, before releasing them back into the wide. He's getting into taking pictures and would like to get some shots to share on his private Facebook page. Lizze is frustrated with a project she's working on for class, and Gavin is driving everyone bonkers with his incessant questions. I've been working for most of the day. I'm creating new revenue streams, and I'm building new relationships with some awesome companies.…


Father’s Day is more than just ties and cookouts

First of all, Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there, pulling their weight and actively involved in their kids lives. I also want to say Happy Father's Day to all the single Mom's out there pulling double duty and filling the role of both parents. I have nothing but respect and admiration for you. :-) I know Father's Day is a day where we celebrate Dad's. There might be presents or cookouts, and those are awesome, but I ask that you keep something else in mind as well. Father's Day should also be a day that we as Dad's, remember how important of a role we play in the lives of our children. It's so important to be present. It's equally important that you be actively involved, a good leader,…


No super annoying YouTube shows

So we are hanging out at our parent's house, chillin' with their dog, and bogarting their internet for a little while. :-) It hadn't occurred to me until now but there is a huge upside to not having the internet at our house. No internet means no super annoying YouTube show's, played at high volume because life isn't hard enough, without having to listen to Pat and Jen (Emmett's favorite show). As soon and as they connected at my parent's house, all that noise came flowing back in our direction. Anyway, we're going to be here for a little while, and leave after feeding the devil dog. The plan is to go to the garden center and let the kids play for a bit. I think they will probably head for…


Why I’m so proud of my wife

Lizze finished her first round of classes this week and immediately began the second round. Rather than going to class four days a week, she's down to two days a week. This is nice for a couple of reasons. First of all, it's easier on her. These classes are very intensive and both physically and emotionally depleting. They serve a very real purpose but it called intensive outpatient therapy for a reason. The second reason it's nice that she's down to twice a week is that we get to have her home more often. I know these classes are really important for her overall emotional health, but we miss her when she's gone. She typically comes home exhausted and in need of a break, which sorta takes her away from us again.…

Read more about the article Things I do to manage my #Autism Parenting Stress
While we were at the park today, I spent some time taking pictures of the many flowers that are living there. The last time we were there, we saw an elderly couple working in the garden, and they did an amazing job. I wish my yard looked even a tiny fraction of how good this huge garden does. I'm feeling motived to work in the yard this summer, and make things look as nice as they possibly can. We're somewhat limited because of funding and where we live, but I'm all about making the best of what we have to work with...

Things I do to manage my #Autism Parenting Stress

One of the most important things an Autism parent can do is take care of themselves. I wanted to share one of the things I do in order to better manage my stress. While we were at the park today, I spent some time taking pictures of the many flowers that are living there. Taking pictures relaxes me and helps me to put things into perspective. While we were at the park today, I spent some time taking pictures of the many flowers that are living there. The last time we were there, we saw an elderly couple working in the garden, and they did an amazing job. I wish my yard looked even a tiny fraction of how good this huge garden does. I'm feeling motived to work in the yard…


I’m so grateful to @Healthline :-)

I want to take a second and give my most humble thank you to healthline.com. I have been chosen as one of their Best Autism Blogs of 2017. As usual, I'm in amazing company and you can check out the complete list over at Healthline by clicking here. Thank you again for this great honor and I hope that I can continue to live up to it. :-)   Healthline