All the reasons I can’t sleep tonight

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  • Post last modified:April 1, 2018

I’m having a tough time sleeping tonight. Emmett has been up once or twice already and seeks to glue himself to my person. If we ask him why he’s awake, he gets angry and growls. 

I will say that on a positive note, I checked his temperature a couple times and he’s not currently running a fever. That means there’s a good chance he will go to school in the morning. ☺ 

As for me not sleeping at 3 AM, I’m not sure what to say. I want to sleep but it’s been one of those days where I’m feeling overwhelmed by all the things I have to worry about. 
Slowing my thoughts down enough so I can fall asleep, is proving to be a real challenge. 

I’m hoping that by writing a bit, I’ll get my thoughts and worries under control, so I can get some rest. 

There are a few worries I have and some I haven’t shared yet. Here they are, in the order in which I can retrieve them from my overburdened mind. 

  • Our grocery budget (food assistance) has been slashed and we now receive less than $90.00/month. I have to be able to supplement that significantly. 
  • Emmett’s not eating much of anything because almost everything tastes funny. He was already hard to feed and now it’s even more challenging. 
  • Gavin’s continuing to decompensate. He’s having more vision and memory problems. 
  • Elliott’s struggling emotionally with his peers at school. 
  • I’m waiting to hear back on a couple new writing jobs that have the potential to significantly help me provide for my family but the waiting is killing me. 
  • I’m unsure of what’s best to do for Easter this year. Emmett’s still in a flare, Gavin’s struggling and Lizze will be removing from having a tooth pulled. 
  • It’s not even summer yet and we’re hearing gunshots, especially at night. These are usually from drive by or some other gang related violence. 
  • Emmett’s SED rate is twice what it should be and we have no idea why
  • Then of course I’m stressed out because I can’t sleep

The above list is just off the top of my head, but I do feel a bit better having put the list together. I’m going to try and get some sleep now… 

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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