Getting my kids with #Autism to eat is so difficult

Lately, it's been more difficult than ever to get Emmett to eat or drink anything.  I really try to accommodate his needs but it's not easy or cheap.  This goes way beyond picky eating and is sensory related, not to be confused with a child being difficult. I did get Emmett to eat some sausage tonight and that's pretty much the bulk of what he's eaten today.  He had a granola bar earlier and I had to mix up some Gatorade, just to get him to drink something.  He was getting dehydrated and while Gatorade is full of sugar, it's something. I don't make a huge deal out of it because I don't want to pressure him and make it worse.  I can go grocery shopping in about a week…


Today’s #Autism Glimmer: Emmett kicked butt on physical therapy today

Emmett did awesome in physical therapy today. That's not surprising really but it is worth sharing because it's today glimmer.. There are a million things that go on each day and not all are pleasant.  When the good ones come around, I like to hop on that scooter and ride it as far as I can.... Great job Emmett... You brightened my day by seeing all you can accomplish.  ☺


Emmett’s having the roughest time sleeping

For the last month or so, Emmett's really been struggling in the sleep department.  To be more specific,  he's struggling to actually fall asleep.  He's back to where he was right after him Mom left.  Not sure what happened with him but we lost a shit ton of progress in the sleep department in the last month or so.  He won't fall asleep unless he's glued to me.  We worked through this once already,  I'm thinking we can absolutely do it again.  ☺