It’s so hard to feed my kids with #Autism

We're having a really hard time finding food that Emmett will eat, especially while at school. He's never eaten the school lunches because he's incredibly sensory oriented. It just won't ever happen and that's okay. The problem is that's it's become increasingly more difficult to find things we can pack in his lunch, that he'll actually eat. We've had temporary successes but nothing ever really lasts for too long. Once he stops eating something, he'll likely never touch it again. It's important to understand that this isn't him being picky. This is something he has no control over and while we try to work with and encourage him to try new things, there isn't a great deal we can do but keep trying. The difference between a picky eater and…


There’s only 1 thing on the agenda for this weekend but it’s causing stress

The boys are headed to the Zoo today with their grandparents. Lizze and I will have at least part of the day to ourselves. We don't really have anything to do or anywhere to go besides the grocery store and that will be a pretty short trip. Regardless of how short that trip will be, I'm hoping to have it done before the boys get home. There isn't anything planned for this weekend but a decent trip to the grocery store could make the weekend just bit easier to survive. I'm already on edge and need to make things as easy as possible. Grocery shopping has become much more challenging since the boys have been home for summer break. We have to buy more than we do during the school…


It’s so hard to feed my kids

One of the hardest, most frustrating challenges my wife and I face on a daily basis, is struggling to feed our kids. The struggle is probably not for the reasons you think either. It's not because we don't have food or have a hard time getting food. Working from home hasn't always been easy but it's finally beginning to pay off and we have been paying for 99% of our groceries out of pocket for awhile now. That's something that feels amazing but it doesn't make feeding our kids any easier. Trying to feed two of our three kids with major sensory processing issues has proven to be one of the most challenging things about being an Autism parent to three kids on the spectrum. My two youngest have such…


Today’s Victory: They tried new food tonight but did they like it

I picked the boys up from school this afternoon and both had a good day. I didn't hear any complaints about anything and I'm happy with that. ☺ On the way home, we stopped at Little Ceasars to pick up stuff for their lunches tomorrow but when we arrived, they were closed for remodeling. I don't know if something happened or if it was just a remodeling but either way, I wasn't able to get the kids the only things they'll eat in their lunches. Emmett has only been eating Little Ceasars Crazy Bread and Elliott is still only eating their pizza in their school lunches. The car still needs fixed and I didn't want to drive much farther because of it. I ended up ordering East of Chicago and…


Is Sensory Processing Disorder controlling our lives?

Sensory processing disorder sometimes seems to be controlling our lives. It really is something that has an impact on so many daily functions, and unless you're living with or loving someone with this struggle, it's very difficult to understand. In my house, all three of our kids face these daily struggles. Their brains are hardwired differently and they do not perceive sensory input correctly. This leads to frustration, being overwhelmed, anxiety, meltdowns and yes, even physical pain. Truth be told, we gave up on a balanced diet a long time ago and now focus on calories. While sensory processing disorder (SPD) impacts many areas, but the most challenging for me as a parent, revolves around eating food. The most profoundly impacted are Elliott and Emmett, so I'm focusing here for…


Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder in laymen’s terms

What Is Sensory Processing Disorder? Sensory Processing Disorder is hands down that most frustrating part of being an Autism parent, at least for me. For those unfamiliar with what I'm referring to when I say sensory issues, let me explain. Sensory processing disorder is a condition that is very common in both kids and adults with Autism. What happens is their brains don't properly interpret Sensory input correctly and this can be very problematic for them. Sensory Processing Disorder can impact adults as well. I'm specifically referring to kids because that's where my experience lies. Please don't take that as anything else. Kids with sensory processing disorder are hypersensitive to things like color, sight, sound, light, taste, texture, smells, and especially touch. How these sensitivities impact their lives can and…


Tonight’s meltdown just about pushed me over the edge

We lived through a massive Emmett meltdown this evening. This particular meltdown was in regards to his dinner and it was a doozy, as well as being partly my fault. Emmett is very sensitive when it comes to food. He has major sensory related issues that make feeding him very challenging because the menu of foods that he'll eat is very limited. I was making him and Elliott dinner last night. They both wanted corndogs. The corn dogs have to be cooked a certain way, or Emmett won't eat them. First, we have to microwave it for thirty seconds, no more no less. If the crust cracks, he won't touch it so we have to be careful. After the microwave, the corn dog goes into the air fryer for seven…