It breaks my heart every single day

After taking the boys to school, we will return home for a short while before heading to Akron Children's Hospital. Lizze will be staying home cause she has a doctor's appointment of her own.  Gavin and I will be making the trek to see his eye doctor, in order to figure out why he's having vision blackouts.  There's a shitload of construction and I'm going to have to find an alternative route to the hospital, but I'll let Google handle that for me.  I'm praying this appointment goes well because on a purely selfish note, I really can't take anymore bad news in regards to Gavin's health. It breaks my heart every day to see him go through all he goes through.  As bad as this sounds, I'm hoping that…


I spoke with the principal 

It's the first day of the 2018 school this morning. We barely made it to this point, but I'm super proud of all of us for making it. ☺  We finally found clothes that Emmett will wear, at least in warmer weather, and Elliott is already good to go. Unfortunately, our trip to the grocery store was a bust, at least as far as Emmett is concerned. We couldn't find anything that he would eat for lunch.  Let me clarify my last statement. We couldn't find anything for the main part of his lunch. He won't eat a sandwich, cold pizza, anything else he used to eat, or anything else we suggested  We did manage to get some smaller things for his lunch. Things like apple sauce, jello, yogurt, juice,…


One obstacle possibly overcome 

As my family prepares for Gavin's trip to Florida, granted by Wishes Can Happen, we quite a few things to work out before hand.  One of the biggest things involves making arrangements for the pets.  The boys are very nervous about leaving the animals behind when we head off in our first ever family vacation. I've been looking at ways to help calm their concerns and help them to feel better about leaving.  We're going to board Maggie, while my parents will likely visit each day to take care of the cats and ferrets.  The boys are very concerned about the ferrets and need to feel like they will be well cared for, which they will be.  I figured I would use one of our Ping Cameras from Vivint, and…


Concerned I may have Sleep Apnea 

There's already a great deal in my plate and it's like the shit keeps piling on. I understand that I snore on occasion, especially when I'm stuffy.  While at my doctor's appointment, my doctor asked me about sleep apnea. She asked if I snore at all and I said on occasion. As far as I know, that's the truth. It's never been a concern before.  With my weight, there is some concern that it may be a problem already or in the future.  This morning, Lizze told me that she was noticing that I would stop breathing during the night. My instinctive reaction is that I'm not having any issues related to sleep apnea. At the same time however, I don't want to simply dismiss this either.  I'm feeling stressed…


The lowdown for this morning 

The boys and I are going to possibly walk the track this morning. We have to take Lizze to an appointment this morning and we may be heading to the park whole we wait.  School begins tomorrow morning and I'd love to make today as pleasant as possible.  We have school clothes as ready as possible and we're hoping to get things off on the right foot. 


We would end up imploding 

Lizze and I met with Dr Pattie last evening, as per the usual for our Tuesday nights. Our main topic of course was school and how to handle this school year.  I should very clear that no one thinks homeschooling the boys is a good idea. As the school year approaches, I'm getting worried about how everything is going to play out. Between Emmett's fevers and sensory issues, I'm already worried about how we're going to manage this year. The idea of homeschooling has been on our radar for awhile, but none of us like the idea. It's nothing against homeschooling itself, it's based in our particular situation, and how it would impact us overall.  Dr Pattie basically said that the decision is ours to make, but she thinks we…


What makes a corndog inedible? 

This is my life, and as a parent to three with Autism, I deal with this stuff every single meal, of every single day. My goal with this post is to help put into context, what both people with Autism and their families or caregivers, deal with.  The pictures below are just one example of how sensory processing disorder and Autism can impact things like eating.  These are more dramatic examples because the imperfections are much more obvious. Many times however, the imperfections are much more subtle and only noticeable to one Mr. Emmett.  I can see why he sees this as a problem but it in no way impacts the corndog.  In his eyes, this is absolutely inedible and he would never dream of actually consuming this, regardless of…


We have a very big decision to make in regards to school

Lizze and I are meeting with the boys therapist and bringing up the subject of homeschooling. As scary as that sounds, I'm not sure we have much of a choice.  Emmett isn't wearing most shirts anymore and frankly, getting him to wear anything is next to impossible. The idea of another school year where we are dealing with battles every single morning, is not something I'm not ready for.  The other issue is Emmett's fevers. Almost every single day, his average temperature is above the fever cutoff for the school. Even if we can get some wiggle room like we did last year, it's going to be extremely close on the good days and a no go on most others.  Emmett missed way too much school last year, although it…