We had some #vaccine related hiccups

I wanted to explain the hiccup with school that we ran into. I mentioned this in a recent post and never circled back to explain. I figured I start the day off with some writing and this is a good place to start. The issue we ran into is with vaccines for both Elliott and Emmett. Vaccines are extremely important and for the most part, we've maintained their vaccine schedules. There were, however, a couple of exceptions. Emmett's issues stemmed from his fever disorder. After consultation with his pediatrician at the time, it was decided to put off his MMR because he was constantly running a fever. We were trying to figure out his health issues and no one wanted to muddy the water. He eventually received his first MMR…


Confessions: I’m worn out and overwhelmed

Today has me stressing out quite a bit. As lockdown drags on and on, it's getting harder and harder to make ends meet. This month has been absolutely horrible in that area and I'm really worried about what July is going to look like. Being a single Dad and full time caregiver to 3 Autistic kids, working from home has been my only option for many years. My main source of income is derived from this site and more recently, my podcast. Between sponsored posts, ad spots, affiliate and digital marketing, I've been able to make ends meet. Things have been a great deal harder since the pandemic hit. There are millions of families struggling right now and mine just happens to be one of them. Essentially, the bulk of my…


If my sensory sensitive kids with #Autism can wear a mask, WTF is your excuse?

I know I'm not writing nearly as often as I normally do and the truth is, depression is really kicking my ass. I'm still functional but definitely struggling. As of today, we've been on lockdown for 98 straight days. As you can probably imagine, it's running a bit long in the tooth at this point. Unfortunately, there simply isn't any other options. With Gavin being immunocompromised, there literally isn't another way to keep him safe. We're in this for the long haul and that's likely to be awhile. I've been hearing from readers both here and on social media, that their husband, wife, daughter, son or other loved one is immunocompromised as well and they're in the exact same boat. While my heart goes out to all the other families…


It’s been a stressful day

It's been a pretty stressful day. We had a decent sized graduation party next door, where no one was wearing a mask or social distancing. Personally, I find that incredibly selfish and immensely frustrating. That being said, it could have been much worse. It was pretty low key and relatively quiet. Normally, it's very loud and obnoxious over there. I'm very grateful it wasn't any worse than it was.. I spent a large part of the day scrubbing carpets. Ruby has been peeing in the boys room, probably because she's stressed out. It's small enough that you don't notice it until it happens enough that the smell catches your attention. The carpet on the second floor is at least 50 years old and in awful condition. Scrubbing it really doesn't…


Frustrating and Dangerous

I'm really not looking forward to today because my covidiot neighbors are throwing a graduation party. There's maybe 30 feet between our houses. Historically, their parties are big, loud and 100 proof. This just isn't safe and I don't understand why people put themselves and everyone around them in danger. This is a bit worrisome right now because we're in such close proximity, and it's going to be stressful, especially for Gavin. His window overlooks where the party is taking place and there's no way to take his attention away from it. As I'm writing this, he just walked into my room, telling me that he thinks the neighbors are having a party. I told him that I think he's right and he simply replied, oh hell no. 😂 The…


An Open Letter To Everyone Not #SocialDistancing or Wearing A Mask

For those sleeping under a rock, we're in the middle of a pandemic, the COVID-19 pandemic to be more specific. We're not even in the middle yet because we're not even through the first wave. We are currently living through the worst public health crisis in the last century. This has to be taken seriously. I'm going to keep this short and sweet. I know I'm going to piss some people off but frankly, I don't care. I'm not here to make you feel good. We need to have a serious conversation about social, and personal responsibilities. I've been on complete lockdown with my 3 autistic kids for 80 days now. My oldest is immunocompromised and we have to be extremely careful. We're also doing our part to protect you…


I have mixed feelings about this

Today is the last day of self-quarantine before the kids get to spend some time with their mom. Assuming all goes well today, the boys will spend Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning with their mom and grandparents. I have mixed feelings about this and I wouldn't be honest if I said otherwise.. I've kept the kids safe for 74 days and the idea of changing what we're doing right now is scary. I'm thrilled they get to spend time with their mom. I thrilled for them and her because I know how important this is. I worry because we have no idea when the next time will be and it's going to be great while they're there but very difficult when it's time to leave. I'm really hoping the kids…


I’ve managed to keep my kids safe and healthy for 70 days

Today marks day 70 of COVID19 lockdown for my family. It's been a long journey and I'm afraid we aren't even almost there yet. I'm preparing to remain locked down as long as it takes to keep my family safe. Yes, it's a massive sacrifice but the alternative is unacceptable to me. We have made some progress in one area and I wanted to share that. All visits had stopped due to lockdown. Gavin's immunocompromised and Lizze has high risk people in her house. I approached Lizze about finding a way to make at least one visit work. After some discussion, we decided that if everyone in her house locked down for 14 days, and at the end of that time, everyone was fever free and healthy, we could allow…