It’s a very stressful morning

It's not been a super fun morning. I had assumed that Elliott would be struggling this morning, but it ended up being Emmett who was struggling. When Emmett gets stressed out, he struggles even more with sensory related issues. This morning it was socks. He couldn't find a pair of socks that he felt comfortable wearing. It led to a pretty disruptive meltdown and a significant delay in our departure time. To his credit, he did work through it and is feeling a bit better right now. We were lucky not to have any significant traffic issues. We left about 7:45 AM and our appointment is at 9 AM. It takes one hour and fifteen minutes to get there on a good day. We made it at 8:55 AM. 😀…


Praying today isn’t a total nightmare

In the morning, we have to be at the immunologist. This means another trip to Cleveland, and we have to be there by 9 AM so that it will be a very early morning. Unfortunately, both Elliott and Emmett will need blood work while we're there. That's not going to go well. It's not going to go well at all. Emmett will be nervous, but he'll work through it. Elliott on the other hand, will not be so adaptive. Elliott is terrified of needles and has been stressing out for the last week or so because he remembered that he would need to have blood work done. I can see this going very badly for him and subsequently the rest of us as well. The last time Elliott had blood…


When your kid with #Autism is distressed

I had a hard time falling asleep last night. It had been an exhausting and emotional day. When you're an Autism or Special Needs parent, and your kids are experiencing distress, it has a significant impact on everyone in the house. Lizze and I were both stressed out and drained last night. Neither one of us fell asleep quickly. I remember seeing 2 AM on my nightstand's Google Hub. I was up at 7 AM and feeling pretty good. I hit the track and got my 3 miles in before 9 AM. That's a great start to the day. 😀 Emmett didn't sleep well and was up long before we were. I got home from walking, and he's already struggling a little bit. I'm hoping that he will feel better…


Emmett learned a valuable lesson today

Most of our day was spent watching Emmett's martial arts tournament, inside a cramped, hot gym. While it didn't take as long as last year, it still felt like we were there forever. Emmett was in group 9 and group 11. This meant he had a long wait before it was his turn. The level of competition was higher this year, and that caught Emmett off guard. He did awesomely but didn't rank in a way that made him happy. He placed 2nd and 3rd in his respective categories. We couldn't be any prouder of him, but placing 3rd hit him quite hard. Part of the problem with that was the announcer misspoke and initially called Emmett as 2nd place before correcting himself and calling Emmett for 3rd instead. That…


My #Autistic son has a therapeutic Martial Arts tournament today

Emmett is so anxious about his Martial Arts tournament this morning; he's been up since 4 AM. His mood is a bit all over the place, and it's been a super fun morning thus far. We're leaving in a few minutes, and we will probably be there for most of the day. It's going to be pretty cramped in the gym, and there will be lots of people who smell like cigarettes. Unfortunately, this is not a good thing for Lizze. I can't stand that smell, but it will make her migraine so much worse. It's going to be a very long day for all of us, but we're all excited to see Emmett do his thing. 😀


It’s been a really, really long day

It's been a long day here in The Autism Dad household. We had Gavin to the Cleveland Clinic, and he ended having a surprise EEG. His doctor is concerned about his level of confusion, and I guess this will provide him with some insight. Gavin did great, but we won't have the results back for a little while. His lab work is trickling in though, and there are some abnormalities, but it doesn't look to be anything crazy serious. I'm sure if there's a problem, they'll let us know. The rest of the day was pretty standard. I'm heading to bed because I'm exhausted and Emmett has his Martial Arts tournament in the morning. It's about 45 minutes away, and it's going to blast most of the day. Emmett is…


Unexpected testing at the @ClevelandClinic for Gavin

Alright. We made it to the Cleveland Clinic right on time this morning. Traffic was very cooperative, and that always makes things a bit easier. Gavin's appointment went pretty well but based on what we see at home in regards to confusion; his neurologist got him in for an EEG right away. We need to know if something is wrong, but it's also a convenience thing as well. We're already here, and if they can get us in, it saves a return trip. It also gets the results to his doctor right away. Gavin just went back, and we have about 90 minutes to sit here and wait. Hopefully, everything will be normal or at least typical for him. I'm exhausted and starving, but it's going to be a little…

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