What life is like 365 days after my wife moved back home

June 5th, 2017 was a milestone day for our family. It has been 365 days since Lizze moved back home, with me and our boys. This move ended our almost two year separation.  You can read earlier posts about what life was like prior to one year ago. I'll try and give some brief background for all those new to our story, before updating on our current status.  Our separation basically resulted from a combination of caregiver burnout, along with both mental, and physical illness. Lizze went through a very difficult period, and we later discovered this was in large part due to caregiver burnout.  Essentially, she ran herself into the ground, caring for our family. Caregiver burnout is very real, and results from someone putting so much into caring…


How to easily check @VivintHome Smart Deadbolt battery levels

In this brief video tutorial, I show you how to check the battery levels of your Vivint Home Smart Deadbolts. It's much easier than you think, and you can do it from your favorite mobile device.   This super short video is just over a minute, but you'll be checking your deadbolt batteries like a boss. ☺   https://youtu.be/JvhJrpm8hTk If you are a special needs family and need help, please visit Vivint Gives Back. This is a program that provides special needs families with the equipment to make their homes both safer, and smarter. The goal is to limit the ability of your special needs child from getting out of the house and wandering away.  The equipment is free, monthly service is based on your income. Visit Vivint Gives Back and see what you qualify…


7 reason I know Emmett’s in a fever cycle

As the morning goes on, it's become very clear that Emmett is in a new fever cycle. He's a little tyrant today, and isn't super pleasant to be around. This, taken with all the other symptoms he's presenting with, makes it very clear this is a fever cycle.  Unfortunately, he's supposed to be at the dentist in the morning, and he keeps missing these because of fever cycles.  In review, here are the symptoms he experiences during a fever cycle: Painful mouth sores Fever Not eating  Not sleeping Very moody Very aggressive Joint pain


#Resist @realDonaldTrump: I’m taking a stand for what I believe is right and here’s why

I'm using my platform, to help take a stand for something I believe very strongly in. I want to make a few things very clear, so that there's no confusion about where I stand on this issue.  I stand firmly against Donald Trump, and everything he stands for. This isn't about party loyalty, because I'm a registered republican, and have been my whole adult life.  This is isn't about Hillary Clinton, or any other candidate for that matter, not winning the election. Frankly, I don't care who's in office, so long as they represent our country's values, with the dignity befitting someone in the role of President of the United States. They need to cross party lines and work together for the betterment of our country, and it's citizens.  It's…


Way too much shit going on this week

We had enough a jam packed week ahead of us. Thankfully, today is an off day. This week we have two dentist appointments, four psychological appointments, and a big meeting with the department of developmental disabilities. We're also going to try to make it to see my Grandmother as well.  Lizze will finish up one class this week and begin another eight or ten week class. While these classes are big sacrifice, they are priceless. ☺  This is also the first week the boys and I are going to take in the house, room by room. I'm actually excited about this because I crave organization. I can mange chaotic situations, but I don't like living in chaos, if that makes sense.  I have quite a bit of writing to do…


This really sucks 

Gavin and I were on our way to the grocery store when we got hit by a pretty major rain storm. Gavin doesn't walk in the rain, because he doesn't like to get wet. I suppose I don't blame him for that.  We're currently sitting in the parking lot at Giant Eagle, waiting out the rain.  They say in Ohio, if you don't like the weather, just wait a few minutes. 


#Autism Parenting Insight – When #SpecialNeeds families have to make difficult decisions 

I wanted to update you on what we decided to do, in regards to our family cookout, and why. The reason it's important to share this experience is because special needs families face these kinds of decisions all the time. Circumstances will vary, but the need to make a difficult decision, that will undoubtedly leave some people upset, is very common.  I can't stress enough, how often we live our lives minute to minute. When we're dealing with various chronic health issues, things pop up all the time.  My goal is to provide some insight into why we made the decision we did in this particular situation.  After a long, sleepless night with Mr. Emmett, Lizze and I made our decision not to go. We decided to err on the…


We are facing a tough decision – What would you do? 

Later on this afternoon, we are supposed to travel to Y-Town. We are having a big family cookout for my Grandma's birthday. We are all pretty excited about going, because it's been awhile since we've been able to visit.  Unfortunately, we aren't sure whether or not we should go now.  On Friday, Gavin puked while at his Grandma's house. He says he's fine now, but we have to go by his behavior, and not his words. He spent a large part of the day sleeping, and that's a bit odd. He's also running a mild fever as well. He did have his IVIG infusion on Friday night, and perhaps it's still his body reacting to that. The other possibility is that he's actually fighting something off.  Next we have Mr.…