School is just around the corner and I’m ready for it

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  • Post last modified:April 7, 2018

The boys have about 20 days left of summer break. On September 1st, they will be returning to the classroom and frankly, I’m getting a bit anxious for that to happen. 

I love having the boys home but since there’s only one of me and three of them, it’s proven to be quite taxing. I’m ready for them to go back. I mean, I’m ready for them to physically go back. I still have a ton of shopping to do as soon as I can. 

Summer break is a mixed bag for a special needs family. I’ve found that it’s much, much harder to take care of myself or anything else for that matter, when I’m taking care of the boys 24/7.

While they’re in school, they get to socialize and get away from the house for most of the day. That’s overwhelmingly positive for them because they need that peer interaction. It’s a plus for me because it leaves me with time to focus on writing, working out and maintaining the house.


While the younger ones will be back at school, Gavin will be in high school, via online program from home. This is due in part to his fragile health but also his mental health as well.

One of my goals for this school year is to be a better parent. Last year I really struggled to get my feet under me. I was still a newly minted single parent, just trying to survive and keep the kids treading water. 

Generally speaking, I’m in a better place this school year and I’ll be better able to focus on more of the day to day school stuff. It’s not going be easy but nothing ever really is.

I’m going to try and avoid some of the struggles I faced last year with homework related things like weekly reading logs. Emmett loves doing homework but Elliott truly hates it. I want to find a way to make the process of homework easier on everyone involved. 

Homework was very simple and all he had to do was read for 45 minutes a week. That was pretty innocuous but he was just having a rough time in general. 

There will be a routine in place from day one and hopefully, that will work out better… 

All things considered, I’m feeling pretty optimistic about this year. 😀

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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August 24th. I’m counting the minutes. 🙂 reecie is repeating 2nd grade, and I’m going to homeschool my daughter for 5th. The neighborhood we’re in isn’t the best.. And she really doesn’t fit at this elementary school. She had a ton of bullying issues last year.. And.. Honestly.. I miss her. She gets virtually no focus from me with reecie’s issues.. And she deserves it. I’m terrified and excited at the same time, she is just relieved. I figure I can’t mess it up tooooo much though. She’s going to take viola lessons during the day once a week, and I’m hoping hoping to be able to put her in a sport of some kind too.. So she still has opportunities to have friends.