It’s tough to have your child scream at you :(

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 7, 2018

It’s been a really long and emotional day. This flare that Emmett’s enduring right now is really kicking his butt. 

He’s started biting his upper and lower lips today and so now he’s got these red sores that almost look like chapped lips but I’m not sure that’s what they are. 

Anyway, today has been spent trying to make him comfortable….

Advil and numbing cream on his lips and Oragel for the sores in his mouth. Thankfully, it looks like he only has one so far but honestly, one is enough. 

I did get him to eat a little bit of Mac and Cheese but he really hasn’t been hungry today. 

It should go without saying that he’s been rather grumpy and by grumpy, I mean he screamed at me a lot. He was very easily annoyed by my questions today. Things like, can I make you something to eat or is there anything I can do to help you feel better.

It’s tough to have your child scream at you when all you’re doing is trying to help them but it’s not his fault and frankly, he’s handling things well. I’d much rather have him screaming at me and not his brothers cause that would just create other problems.

Well, tomorrow is another day and hopefully it will be a little kinder to my sweet little Emmett.. 

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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That looks like it could be a cold sore


My kids use to do that, if it continues it’ll get raw. it can get nasty with scabs. Get some chap stick to help it heal.(if he’ll let you put it on) Poor kido, It’s so hard when they get so frustrated. Breaks my heart when our son does it.


He is hurting,  he is going too scream. The funny part about screaming, is that people who are hurting usually scream at those who they feel the safest. They know you wont dislike him no matter what he does, so you’re it.
Hopefully his mouth sores get better. Probably when he eats it is raw,and it isnt too conpfortble.
I dont know if he can have milkshakes or smoothies or if he likes them, but perhaps using a straw and things that are cool will help.
My husband has cancer and because of the radiation to his salivary glands has gotten sores inside his mouth-  things that are spicy, too hot (heat wise) and of course anything crunchy is irritating. A straw really helps as does letting the food cool, a bit bland and things they enjoy.


He is hurting,  he is going too scream. The funny part about screaming, is that people who are hurting usually scream at those who they feel the safest. They know you wont dislike him no matter what he does, so you’re it.
Hopefully his mouth sores get better. Probably when he eats it is raw,and it isnt too conpfortble.
I dont know if he can have milkshakes or smoothies or if he likes them, but perhaps using a straw and things that are cool will help.
My husband has cancer and because of the radiation to his salivary glands has gotten sores inside his mouth-  things that are spicy, too hot (heat wise) and of course anything crunchy is irritating. A straw really helps as does letting the food cool, a bit bland and things they enjoy.


That looks like it could be a cold sore


My kids use to do that, if it continues it’ll get raw. it can get nasty with scabs. Get some chap stick to help it heal.(if he’ll let you put it on) Poor kido, It’s so hard when they get so frustrated. Breaks my heart when our son does it.