Someone killed my neighbors dog :(

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 7, 2018

I was letting Maggie out tonight and one of my neighbors came over and to talk. It was well after midnight so I knew something was wrong. 

He informed me that his dog Sam had been killed. 😔

Sam was a really sweet dog, puppy rather. 

I’m saddened to say that someone threw ground hamburger packed with broken glass into their yard, Sam ate it and later, passed away. 

The vet found the ground hamburger and broken glass during the autopsy that was required for the police report. 

This neighborhood is just horrible and I’m so sorry for my friends loss. I’m horrified by what that poor dog must have gone through. 💔

He wanted to make sure that I walked through my yard before letting Maggie out, so this doesn’t happen to her. Guess I know what I’ll be doing half a dozen or more times a day now. 

I need to get myself and the boys out of here. 

Maybe you can send some positive thoughts their way. 

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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I live in the same type oof neighborhood andd am hoping you &#160can get the funds to move.
I hated today… my husband has radiation M-F and kids we had told to quit throwing rocks at &#160neighbors house earlier in the day decided they were going to hide and throw a rock at the truck when we passed by, They put a huge dent on the truck and damaged the shade over thee window. If I had had my window all the way down, I would have been in the hospital.
They damn parents did nothing, so I called the police and the boy denied it altho we both saw him do it andd followed him home. The policee went to his house, and he was he only one home (he is 9) the cop was going to call DHS, I asked that the cop not… and really should have let him although I knew the Mom and an older brother was home.
I found out the Mom runs a DAYCARE and the little monster is out destroying property. I have seen this kid trry and toryure stray cats, break windows andd be a pain.
I am pretty upset. It wasnt what my husband needed before his treatment, and the parents have yet to come over nd say a peep.


Along with cruelty to children, animal abuse is surely the highest form of cowardice. Damn these people to hell :'(


Just added it to the list!


I could see how some of our neighbors’ dogs could push an unbalanced person to do something impossibly cruel like that. They leave dogs out at all hours, howling and barking at everything and everyone that passes their sight. Nothing makes you want to say “I love my neighbors!” like having the two year old you JUST got down for a nap awakened by the dog across the street totally losing its shiznit over seeing a squirrel, despite this being the fourth time it has seen one that day in its normal eighteen hour day outside. If you leave your dog outside all the time because you don’t like the noise it makes inside, what makes you think your neighbors want to listen to it too?

Yeah, whoever did that to the dog is an outright dirtbag and should be punished to whatever degree is possible, but some pet owners really should have thought it through before becoming one.


People are so sick. Those that kill animals like that need to be imprisoned for life.


Horrible. That sure raises the anxiety level doesn’t it?


Jeez, that is awful Rob! I hope police were notified as there should be a general public notice made.


That’s terrible.


I live in the same type oof neighborhood andd am hoping you  can get the funds to move.
I hated today… my husband has radiation M-F and kids we had told to quit throwing rocks at  neighbors house earlier in the day decided they were going to hide and throw a rock at the truck when we passed by, They put a huge dent on the truck and damaged the shade over thee window. If I had had my window all the way down, I would have been in the hospital.
They damn parents did nothing, so I called the police and the boy denied it altho we both saw him do it andd followed him home. The policee went to his house, and he was he only one home (he is 9) the cop was going to call DHS, I asked that the cop not… and really should have let him although I knew the Mom and an older brother was home.
I found out the Mom runs a DAYCARE and the little monster is out destroying property. I have seen this kid trry and toryure stray cats, break windows andd be a pain.
I am pretty upset. It wasnt what my husband needed before his treatment, and the parents have yet to come over nd say a peep.


Along with cruelty to children, animal abuse is surely the highest form of cowardice. Damn these people to hell :'(


Jeez, that is awful Rob! I hope police were notified as there should be a general public notice made.


Horrible. That sure raises the anxiety level doesn’t it?


Just added it to the list!


I could see how some of our neighbors’ dogs could push an unbalanced person to do something impossibly cruel like that. They leave dogs out at all hours, howling and barking at everything and everyone that passes their sight. Nothing makes you want to say “I love my neighbors!” like having the two year old you JUST got down for a nap awakened by the dog across the street totally losing its shiznit over seeing a squirrel, despite this being the fourth time it has seen one that day in its normal eighteen hour day outside. If you leave your dog outside all the time because you don’t like the noise it makes inside, what makes you think your neighbors want to listen to it too?

Yeah, whoever did that to the dog is an outright dirtbag and should be punished to whatever degree is possible, but some pet owners really should have thought it through before becoming one.


That’s terrible.


People are so sick. Those that kill animals like that need to be imprisoned for life.


Just added it to the list!


Along with cruelty to children, animal abuse is surely the highest form of cowardice. Damn these people to hell :'(


Horrible. That sure raises the anxiety level doesn’t it?


I could see how some of our neighbors’ dogs could push an unbalanced person to do something impossibly cruel like that. They leave dogs out at all hours, howling and barking at everything and everyone that passes their sight. Nothing makes you want to say “I love my neighbors!” like having the two year old you JUST got down for a nap awakened by the dog across the street totally losing its shiznit over seeing a squirrel, despite this being the fourth time it has seen one that day in its normal eighteen hour day outside. If you leave your dog outside all the time because you don’t like the noise it makes inside, what makes you think your neighbors want to listen to it too?

Yeah, whoever did that to the dog is an outright dirtbag and should be punished to whatever degree is possible, but some pet owners really should have thought it through before becoming one.


Jeez, that is awful Rob! I hope police were notified as there should be a general public notice made.


I live in the same type oof neighborhood andd am hoping you  can get the funds to move.
I hated today… my husband has radiation M-F and kids we had told to quit throwing rocks at  neighbors house earlier in the day decided they were going to hide and throw a rock at the truck when we passed by, They put a huge dent on the truck and damaged the shade over thee window. If I had had my window all the way down, I would have been in the hospital.
They damn parents did nothing, so I called the police and the boy denied it altho we both saw him do it andd followed him home. The policee went to his house, and he was he only one home (he is 9) the cop was going to call DHS, I asked that the cop not… and really should have let him although I knew the Mom and an older brother was home.
I found out the Mom runs a DAYCARE and the little monster is out destroying property. I have seen this kid trry and toryure stray cats, break windows andd be a pain.
I am pretty upset. It wasnt what my husband needed before his treatment, and the parents have yet to come over nd say a peep.


That’s terrible.


People are so sick. Those that kill animals like that need to be imprisoned for life.