I’m pretty excited because Gavin’s been doing some more sketching lately. I absolutely love sharing his artwork for a few reasons.
Part of what I find so amazing about this is that Gavin has significant tremors in his hands and you’d never want him to perform surgery on you.. lol
Anyway, his ability to draw doesn’t seem the least bit hindered by these tremors and even if it were, can you imagine how amazing they would be without the tremors?
Gavin never ceases to amaze me and I couldn’t be prouder.. ☺ 💜
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Wow, he’s really talented! There’s a lot of natural ability there. Has he ever had formal classes or is he primarily self-taught?
Wow, he’s really talented! There’s a lot of natural ability there. Has he ever had formal classes or is he primarily self-taught?
Wow, he’s really talented! There’s a lot of natural ability there. Has he ever had formal classes or is he primarily self-taught?